Wednesday, March 29, 2006
I just hate it when this happens.
T'was sniffing around AMERICAblog's open thread yesterday morning when, on the heels of the news that Card is leaving the W-House, a commenter unleashed an obviousity that would-a made me red-faced...were it not for my furriness...because she thunk-it first: the W-House was playing the Card card just then to distract everyone from what really matters, ie the latest memo proving that GWBush lied US into illegally attacking Iraq.
This is really embarrassing, being scooped like this, and the scoop was Right-on: everybody everywhere was (& still is) talkin'bout nuttin but Card & nobody, but nobody, uttered the barest sylable of Bushlies Inc.'s illegal lies taking US into an illegal war with Iraq.
This is a War Crime. The Nazi Hague trials determined it to be against the laws of all nations for one nation to attack another nation without the nation in the first part first being attacked by the nation of the second part. Treaties were signed, gifts exchanged, cheek-to-jowl kisses swiped this way & that.
Impeachment is not enough, it's inadequate. Open the Hague, dust off the furniture, and bring everyone in Bushco to trial for committing war crimes against Iraq---W's Iraq cabal & all others serving in the W-House. Until this transpires, there is no justice this side of the Hague's Nazi trials and We the People, as a nation, deserve to be red-faced from now till hell freezes over.
I just hate it when this happens.
T'was sniffing around AMERICAblog's open thread yesterday morning when, on the heels of the news that Card is leaving the W-House, a commenter unleashed an obviousity that would-a made me red-faced...were it not for my furriness...because she thunk-it first: the W-House was playing the Card card just then to distract everyone from what really matters, ie the latest memo proving that GWBush lied US into illegally attacking Iraq.
This is really embarrassing, being scooped like this, and the scoop was Right-on: everybody everywhere was (& still is) talkin'bout nuttin but Card & nobody, but nobody, uttered the barest sylable of Bushlies Inc.'s illegal lies taking US into an illegal war with Iraq.
This is a War Crime. The Nazi Hague trials determined it to be against the laws of all nations for one nation to attack another nation without the nation in the first part first being attacked by the nation of the second part. Treaties were signed, gifts exchanged, cheek-to-jowl kisses swiped this way & that.
Impeachment is not enough, it's inadequate. Open the Hague, dust off the furniture, and bring everyone in Bushco to trial for committing war crimes against Iraq---W's Iraq cabal & all others serving in the W-House. Until this transpires, there is no justice this side of the Hague's Nazi trials and We the People, as a nation, deserve to be red-faced from now till hell freezes over.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Two-fer Tuesday...
It's mighty rare for this old cat to have two thoughts on mind at once to ponder at once, but things are happin'in so fast lately.
1) Sit on a block of ice long enough & your butt becomes desensitized---"Hey, it don't feel cold no moe!" Now this: the (minimalist) shared National conscience has been sitting on the Downing Street Memo(Minutes) and countless other proofs that Bush lied/lies...repeatedly...for so long that now, the latest meeting-minutes/memo proof that W lied US into illegally attacking Iraq brings this nominal sentiment: "Yeh? So? What's new?" (Shrug & heavy sigh on the side.) Jane & Joe American Meathead are not surprised, not concerned, not outraged...They're used to this Bushit.
2) It's curious that the one & only 9/11 (would-be) attacker who was caught in time to stop him (Moussaoui) was the one who's mission was to fly a plane into the W-House. The W-House? Hum. That's verrrry interesting. What are the odds W's fascist police would only catch the one guy who was a threat to the smirking chimp and his Attack Iraq Cabal? One in Five, you say? How fortuitous for the cowardly little retard and his evil flying monkies. Of course, just to be safe, all the real fascist targets managed to be out of town on 9/11...just in case Moussaoui had an unidentified second-string back-up killer on the bench to complete the W-House mission.
Verrry interesting, and way over the head of Jane & Joe American Meatheads' utter stupidity.
It's mighty rare for this old cat to have two thoughts on mind at once to ponder at once, but things are happin'in so fast lately.
1) Sit on a block of ice long enough & your butt becomes desensitized---"Hey, it don't feel cold no moe!" Now this: the (minimalist) shared National conscience has been sitting on the Downing Street Memo(Minutes) and countless other proofs that Bush lied/lies...repeatedly...for so long that now, the latest meeting-minutes/memo proof that W lied US into illegally attacking Iraq brings this nominal sentiment: "Yeh? So? What's new?" (Shrug & heavy sigh on the side.) Jane & Joe American Meathead are not surprised, not concerned, not outraged...They're used to this Bushit.
2) It's curious that the one & only 9/11 (would-be) attacker who was caught in time to stop him (Moussaoui) was the one who's mission was to fly a plane into the W-House. The W-House? Hum. That's verrrry interesting. What are the odds W's fascist police would only catch the one guy who was a threat to the smirking chimp and his Attack Iraq Cabal? One in Five, you say? How fortuitous for the cowardly little retard and his evil flying monkies. Of course, just to be safe, all the real fascist targets managed to be out of town on 9/11...just in case Moussaoui had an unidentified second-string back-up killer on the bench to complete the W-House mission.
Verrry interesting, and way over the head of Jane & Joe American Meatheads' utter stupidity.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Now don't this beat all...
ANOTHER (once-secret) memo has surfaced proving that W's illegal Iraq war was started by W and Toni "the lap dog" Blair in violation of international law. Am I having a daze-yaw-voo here, or what? Weren't the Downing Street Minutes enough proof that W and his lap dog are international criminals for starting an illegal war in violation of international law?...t'is enough to convict, it just ain't happening.
But besides, these pesky memos are nothing more than mere traces of lipstick on the rim of Bushco's global hog trough of power & wealth for greedy and corrupt GOPers & DINOs anyway.
Yud think it'd be rather crowed around this bottomless buffet of evul & lustful indulgances---what with corporations & the American Christian Taliban Coalition & the Red Cross & politicians & lobbyists etc etc---but yuh gotta remember: she's a goddamn BIG trough they'z ringed around, goddamn big, and the Constitution " just a goddamn piece of paper," and Congress is more twisted & crooked than a back-woods construction zone where all the warning signs just say, "GO FUCK YOURSELF".
And it all boils down to the same-o same-o bottom line, time & time again: Jane & Joe American voters are vacuous, fatuous meatheads---and cowards, too, one & all.
ANOTHER (once-secret) memo has surfaced proving that W's illegal Iraq war was started by W and Toni "the lap dog" Blair in violation of international law. Am I having a daze-yaw-voo here, or what? Weren't the Downing Street Minutes enough proof that W and his lap dog are international criminals for starting an illegal war in violation of international law?...t'is enough to convict, it just ain't happening.
But besides, these pesky memos are nothing more than mere traces of lipstick on the rim of Bushco's global hog trough of power & wealth for greedy and corrupt GOPers & DINOs anyway.
Yud think it'd be rather crowed around this bottomless buffet of evul & lustful indulgances---what with corporations & the American Christian Taliban Coalition & the Red Cross & politicians & lobbyists etc etc---but yuh gotta remember: she's a goddamn BIG trough they'z ringed around, goddamn big, and the Constitution " just a goddamn piece of paper," and Congress is more twisted & crooked than a back-woods construction zone where all the warning signs just say, "GO FUCK YOURSELF".
And it all boils down to the same-o same-o bottom line, time & time again: Jane & Joe American voters are vacuous, fatuous meatheads---and cowards, too, one & all.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Get your wind up...
One of my threee sons has a checkered past in the newspaper business: A&E (not the network) writer, political columnist, editor, editor-in-chief, currently an editor-at-large (all papers to remain nameless). He sometimes "attaches" with an e-mail to me, "Submitted for you approval," or "Could you proof this really quick?"...(with full knowledge that spelling ain't a strong point for any old one-eyed broke-tailed tomcat like me).
These attachments are becoming evermore rare, as "buddy" has learned that such requests (for approval/proofing) always open the back door to merciless attacks from this ornery old half-fossilized coot who's tasted blood & likes it.
To the point: one of my triad of "most-made mistakes by writers" is "too windy; excessive wordiness".
Well I just skimmed some of the blogs that've been judged "best" for one thing or another (not by me) and is seems that windy, excessive wordiness is one thing all the winners have in common... Six words when one will do; ten sentences when one will do; a dozen paragraphs when one will do etc etc.
The problem: Who duh fuck has the time, patience, and/or infinite attention-span to wade thru' 1,000 words in order to get a handle on a 100-word assertion? Not me! In my mind: Word Count Don't Count. Not so in bloggoland, I guess.
Dozen't matter. I must re-locate the closing line in a letter from one 18th century writer (an American Founder) to a friend, wherein he finished with, "Sorry this letter is so lengthy, but I don't have time to shorten it." (So I can give credit where credit it due.)
That pretty much sez it all, Don't it?
One of my threee sons has a checkered past in the newspaper business: A&E (not the network) writer, political columnist, editor, editor-in-chief, currently an editor-at-large (all papers to remain nameless). He sometimes "attaches" with an e-mail to me, "Submitted for you approval," or "Could you proof this really quick?"...(with full knowledge that spelling ain't a strong point for any old one-eyed broke-tailed tomcat like me).
These attachments are becoming evermore rare, as "buddy" has learned that such requests (for approval/proofing) always open the back door to merciless attacks from this ornery old half-fossilized coot who's tasted blood & likes it.
To the point: one of my triad of "most-made mistakes by writers" is "too windy; excessive wordiness".
Well I just skimmed some of the blogs that've been judged "best" for one thing or another (not by me) and is seems that windy, excessive wordiness is one thing all the winners have in common... Six words when one will do; ten sentences when one will do; a dozen paragraphs when one will do etc etc.
The problem: Who duh fuck has the time, patience, and/or infinite attention-span to wade thru' 1,000 words in order to get a handle on a 100-word assertion? Not me! In my mind: Word Count Don't Count. Not so in bloggoland, I guess.
Dozen't matter. I must re-locate the closing line in a letter from one 18th century writer (an American Founder) to a friend, wherein he finished with, "Sorry this letter is so lengthy, but I don't have time to shorten it." (So I can give credit where credit it due.)
That pretty much sez it all, Don't it?
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Sic Sic Sic...
"I'm the president, I can break any law I want to. So there."
The recent US "Patriot" Act(sic sic sic nomenclature) extention/expansion (essentially up-suspending our Constitutionally guaranteed rights, protections and freedoms) has been signed by W with this Executive addemdum: "Just so you understand, I'm the president and this is just a goddamn piece of paper I'm signin here---it doesn't mean a goddamn thing. So there."
Meanwhile, Jane & Joe American Meathead and our corrupt Congress nod approvingly with these shared thoughts:
"Goddamn He's good! W's not just signing an un-American bill redacting half the Constitution in His great war in keeping US safe from the evil demons He has created, is reproducing at exponential rates and is currently nurturing with the blood of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians; He's goin the extra mile by giving US notice that He will ignore any part of the Act that doesn't suit Him any time he feels like it. Gaddamn He's good!"
"I'm the president and this is just a goddamn piece of paper."
On another page, Uncle Walter has cast his brilliant luminance on what's obvious to everyone except Jane & Joe American Meathead: ie that Nightly Network News Networks are spending half their quarter-hour air-time (chinked between commercials) teasing the fuff instead of reporting NEWS they ought-a be covering. WC should-a added the obvious reason for this: Corporate M$M is in the business of treating Jane & Joe American Meathead like mushrooms (always keep 'em in the dark & just feed 'em Bushit) because, "Depressed consumers are not in the mood to buy the un-safe drugs, gas-guzzling SUVs & China-made junk we're trying to hawk here."
Every (potential) voter who still supports this president should lose the right to vote, for life (for being so galdarn stupid); every Congress-person (R & D alike) who still supports this president should have a Nazi swaztika branded into their forehead, be removed from office into an eight X ten cell (for life) and stripped of all benefits...for acts of sedition against the Constitution of the USA.
"I'm the president, I can break any law I want to. So there."
The recent US "Patriot" Act(sic sic sic nomenclature) extention/expansion (essentially up-suspending our Constitutionally guaranteed rights, protections and freedoms) has been signed by W with this Executive addemdum: "Just so you understand, I'm the president and this is just a goddamn piece of paper I'm signin here---it doesn't mean a goddamn thing. So there."
Meanwhile, Jane & Joe American Meathead and our corrupt Congress nod approvingly with these shared thoughts:
"Goddamn He's good! W's not just signing an un-American bill redacting half the Constitution in His great war in keeping US safe from the evil demons He has created, is reproducing at exponential rates and is currently nurturing with the blood of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians; He's goin the extra mile by giving US notice that He will ignore any part of the Act that doesn't suit Him any time he feels like it. Gaddamn He's good!"
"I'm the president and this is just a goddamn piece of paper."
On another page, Uncle Walter has cast his brilliant luminance on what's obvious to everyone except Jane & Joe American Meathead: ie that Nightly Network News Networks are spending half their quarter-hour air-time (chinked between commercials) teasing the fuff instead of reporting NEWS they ought-a be covering. WC should-a added the obvious reason for this: Corporate M$M is in the business of treating Jane & Joe American Meathead like mushrooms (always keep 'em in the dark & just feed 'em Bushit) because, "Depressed consumers are not in the mood to buy the un-safe drugs, gas-guzzling SUVs & China-made junk we're trying to hawk here."
Every (potential) voter who still supports this president should lose the right to vote, for life (for being so galdarn stupid); every Congress-person (R & D alike) who still supports this president should have a Nazi swaztika branded into their forehead, be removed from office into an eight X ten cell (for life) and stripped of all benefits...for acts of sedition against the Constitution of the USA.
Friday, March 24, 2006
The forge is hot...
...strike the iron now.
Lack of tolerance is not a virtue: lack of tolerance is weakness; t'is a lack of faith.
Thar ought-a be a word for "lack of tolerance", but there is none (that I know of---"intolerance" doesn't cut it).
I hereby drop this hammer upon the hot steel of philosophicmoronic anvilisitudiness: "Lack of tolerance" shall heretofore be known as...(drum roll please): the implimitation of draconian actions or thoughts for the purpose of insulating one's self from those who disagree or act in ways one judges disagreeable to one's perfect comfort zone/or insinuating one's prefered self-behaviors on those whom he has power over...what-ever.
DAMN-IT! "Lack of tolerance" is way-more efficient.
Lack of tolerance = untolerable.
There: I've hatched a new word.
Lack of tolerance is not a virtue: lack of tolerance is weakness; t'is a lack of faith.
Thar ought-a be a word for "lack of tolerance", but there is none (that I know of---"intolerance" doesn't cut it).
I hereby drop this hammer upon the hot steel of philosophicmoronic anvilisitudiness: "Lack of tolerance" shall heretofore be known as...(drum roll please): the implimitation of draconian actions or thoughts for the purpose of insulating one's self from those who disagree or act in ways one judges disagreeable to one's perfect comfort zone/or insinuating one's prefered self-behaviors on those whom he has power over...what-ever.
DAMN-IT! "Lack of tolerance" is way-more efficient.
Lack of tolerance = untolerable.
There: I've hatched a new word.
A little knowledge... a dangerous thing.
In reading Paul Johnson's "A History of the American People" I have been introduced to the ruminations, concerns and objectives which were guiding our Founding Fathers while drafting and ratifying the Constitution of the USA---its Articles and Amendments. I am left with this clear belief: W Bush is the most un-American, anti-Constitutional, lawless, dispicable and criminal president one can ever imagine, let alone envision in the flesh.
It was like being in a dark, windowless room & suddenly the lights are switched on. Oh yeah, in the darkness I could hear, feel and smell the rot and the danger around US; but now I see outright the face of this evil that's bound for America's Constitutional ruination, and it is the face of W. Bush.
If every American (who can vote) could be induced to read what I have now read, only un-American citizens who are anti-Constitutional would allow this foul man to stay in office any longer. I do now absolutely believe the reports that W has called the Consutution of the USA, "...just a Goddamn piece of paper."
But like I said at the top: "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." I have a long way to go before being certain beyond any doubt that I fully understand every angle of the Constitution.
But I am certain about this beyond any doubt: Everything I have written (here and elsewhere) is Constitutionally Protected Free Speech and anyone who would take any steps against me should be arrested and tried for Sedition of the Constitution of the USA and when found guilty, a Nazi Swastika shall be branded into their forehead before further sentence is carried out: ie Life in Prison (for starters).
In reading Paul Johnson's "A History of the American People" I have been introduced to the ruminations, concerns and objectives which were guiding our Founding Fathers while drafting and ratifying the Constitution of the USA---its Articles and Amendments. I am left with this clear belief: W Bush is the most un-American, anti-Constitutional, lawless, dispicable and criminal president one can ever imagine, let alone envision in the flesh.
It was like being in a dark, windowless room & suddenly the lights are switched on. Oh yeah, in the darkness I could hear, feel and smell the rot and the danger around US; but now I see outright the face of this evil that's bound for America's Constitutional ruination, and it is the face of W. Bush.
If every American (who can vote) could be induced to read what I have now read, only un-American citizens who are anti-Constitutional would allow this foul man to stay in office any longer. I do now absolutely believe the reports that W has called the Consutution of the USA, "...just a Goddamn piece of paper."
But like I said at the top: "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." I have a long way to go before being certain beyond any doubt that I fully understand every angle of the Constitution.
But I am certain about this beyond any doubt: Everything I have written (here and elsewhere) is Constitutionally Protected Free Speech and anyone who would take any steps against me should be arrested and tried for Sedition of the Constitution of the USA and when found guilty, a Nazi Swastika shall be branded into their forehead before further sentence is carried out: ie Life in Prison (for starters).
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Bush Admits he Can't Fix What he Broke!
Easier than reading between the lines...
The chimp-in-chief finally said it, he finally confessed to John Q. Public that he lacks the skills, intelligence and competence to straighten out the mess he has created in Iraq...
Q: When can the troops in Iraq come home?
W's A: "That's for future presidents to decide."
For the benefit of any meathead who might be reading this, the above means: "I can't fix it."
I had been awaiting with baited breath for the obvious follow-up question to the question previous to the above question...the previous question being: "Since all the reasons you gave for attacking Iraq have now been proven false, What was the REAL reason you started that war?"...
The OFUQ (Obvious Follow-Up Question) I was waiting for: "Since all the reasons you gave for attacking Iraq have now been proven false, Why should we believe ANY reason you are now giving US for going to war with Iran?"
Watching W's reaction to this OFUQ would've been oh-so telling, oh-so sweet. But alas, once again, human beans far smarter than this broken down old fart of a cat totally fucking missed the totally fucking obvious!
Anyhow, W's admission that HE can't fixed what he broke may be an indication that the wittow-boy's bubble has been pricked and the air's leaking out. This may be the much anticipated tipping-point that starts Bush slip-sliding toward an inevitable loss of control and continence in a public venue, wherein he'll self-expose himself for what he is: a screw-up, a lying idiot, at fault for everything, and incompetent.
Easier than reading between the lines...
The chimp-in-chief finally said it, he finally confessed to John Q. Public that he lacks the skills, intelligence and competence to straighten out the mess he has created in Iraq...
Q: When can the troops in Iraq come home?
W's A: "That's for future presidents to decide."
For the benefit of any meathead who might be reading this, the above means: "I can't fix it."
I had been awaiting with baited breath for the obvious follow-up question to the question previous to the above question...the previous question being: "Since all the reasons you gave for attacking Iraq have now been proven false, What was the REAL reason you started that war?"...
The OFUQ (Obvious Follow-Up Question) I was waiting for: "Since all the reasons you gave for attacking Iraq have now been proven false, Why should we believe ANY reason you are now giving US for going to war with Iran?"
Watching W's reaction to this OFUQ would've been oh-so telling, oh-so sweet. But alas, once again, human beans far smarter than this broken down old fart of a cat totally fucking missed the totally fucking obvious!
Anyhow, W's admission that HE can't fixed what he broke may be an indication that the wittow-boy's bubble has been pricked and the air's leaking out. This may be the much anticipated tipping-point that starts Bush slip-sliding toward an inevitable loss of control and continence in a public venue, wherein he'll self-expose himself for what he is: a screw-up, a lying idiot, at fault for everything, and incompetent.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I screwed up...
Pardon the spell-oh's!....I'm only seeing red right now.
Frist must be channeling this blog; he just didn't hit his grand-slam in the World Series of House Votes:
Frist calls a Quickie-vote on Finegold's, "Censure the Scum-bag Smirking-chimp Traitor Shit-for-brains prez-NOT" bill and kills it now it's old news & the Repugs/DINOs will have it buried before this Nov's elections.
Stage II--The World Serious: call another quickie-vote on Wimpeachment hearings and THAT little bother will be buried, too. Is Frist this 'mart? Nope.
But it matters not: Jane & Joe American Meathead are so fucking stupid, ignorant and vacuously fatuitious (fatuitously vacuous?) that the next election will be just like the last: Meatheads screaming & running around like chicken-shitted chickens with their heads cut off & voting helter-skelter split-ticket Fuck Me! the status-quo is certainty(BAD) butt-fuck-me better than some unknown candydate who might be even worse than the WORST of the Worst ghasp gasp gased OH GOD I'M DYING HERE.
As a Nation, We have the government we deserve...too bad the rest of US have to suffer under this majority of RETARDS.
Frist must be channeling this blog; he just didn't hit his grand-slam in the World Series of House Votes:
Frist calls a Quickie-vote on Finegold's, "Censure the Scum-bag Smirking-chimp Traitor Shit-for-brains prez-NOT" bill and kills it now it's old news & the Repugs/DINOs will have it buried before this Nov's elections.
Stage II--The World Serious: call another quickie-vote on Wimpeachment hearings and THAT little bother will be buried, too. Is Frist this 'mart? Nope.
But it matters not: Jane & Joe American Meathead are so fucking stupid, ignorant and vacuously fatuitious (fatuitously vacuous?) that the next election will be just like the last: Meatheads screaming & running around like chicken-shitted chickens with their heads cut off & voting helter-skelter split-ticket Fuck Me! the status-quo is certainty(BAD) butt-fuck-me better than some unknown candydate who might be even worse than the WORST of the Worst ghasp gasp gased OH GOD I'M DYING HERE.
As a Nation, We have the government we deserve...too bad the rest of US have to suffer under this majority of RETARDS.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
If the Repugs are smart...
They'll start W-impeachment hearings before Nov.
Here's how it works: if the Repugs start W-impeachment hearings before the Nov elections, they'll keep their majorities in Congress...and then, after the elections, the W-impeachment hearings will find the chimp guiltless and the case for impeaching W will be closed...forever.
Here's how it works: if the Repugs start W-impeachment hearings before the Nov elections, they'll keep their majorities in Congress...and then, after the elections, the W-impeachment hearings will find the chimp guiltless and the case for impeaching W will be closed...forever.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Waxing philositics...
Havenots need not:
Aristocrats can detect no distinction between luxury and necessity: ergo in the aristocratic mindset, giving to the needy is giving a gift of Luxury and by reverse-definition, NOT necessary. Food, clothing, shelter, medical care---all Luxuries reserved for those who are either born as deserving heirs of the Necessary Luxuries of life, or paid to those who are not too lazy to work for them; everyone else?...well that's too bad: aristocrats see no aspects to Life such as good luck/bad luck or the one-sided unfairness of greed and graft, nor the slings and arrows of outragous discrimination.
Barb Bush exposed this mindset perfectly when observing that the Havenots displaced by Katrina into Huston had never before had it so good: they had been lifted up by that hurricane and dropped into a lap of (relative) Luxury. A clear-cut case of Doublethink: in the aristicrat's mind, every Luxury they (the rich) enjoy is a Necessity; every Necessity Havenots lack is a Luxury to them. Aristrocrats may well call this "relativity" and let it go at that.
One wonders how these aristcrats will fit through the eye of a needle come Reckoning Day, or if they will even be asked to do so. We ask this question because we recognize and (begrudgingly) accept Life's Truth that Life ain't fair; we must then admit to the real possibility that maybe Death ain't fair either---which would be a bitter and poisonous icing on the cruel and inedible cake of a Havenot's life of discomforture due to neediness...and it shall come as no surprise to this old humbug, if that's how it works out.
God forgive me for hoping Death will be aristocrats and Havenots alike.
Aristocrats can detect no distinction between luxury and necessity: ergo in the aristocratic mindset, giving to the needy is giving a gift of Luxury and by reverse-definition, NOT necessary. Food, clothing, shelter, medical care---all Luxuries reserved for those who are either born as deserving heirs of the Necessary Luxuries of life, or paid to those who are not too lazy to work for them; everyone else?...well that's too bad: aristocrats see no aspects to Life such as good luck/bad luck or the one-sided unfairness of greed and graft, nor the slings and arrows of outragous discrimination.
Barb Bush exposed this mindset perfectly when observing that the Havenots displaced by Katrina into Huston had never before had it so good: they had been lifted up by that hurricane and dropped into a lap of (relative) Luxury. A clear-cut case of Doublethink: in the aristicrat's mind, every Luxury they (the rich) enjoy is a Necessity; every Necessity Havenots lack is a Luxury to them. Aristrocrats may well call this "relativity" and let it go at that.
One wonders how these aristcrats will fit through the eye of a needle come Reckoning Day, or if they will even be asked to do so. We ask this question because we recognize and (begrudgingly) accept Life's Truth that Life ain't fair; we must then admit to the real possibility that maybe Death ain't fair either---which would be a bitter and poisonous icing on the cruel and inedible cake of a Havenot's life of discomforture due to neediness...and it shall come as no surprise to this old humbug, if that's how it works out.
God forgive me for hoping Death will be aristocrats and Havenots alike.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Dumbdee dumb dumb DUMB!
Tho' abundandly aware of the "LOL" thing, I despise it...and thus this ol' cat uses "Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha!"---which is now applied to all those in bloggoland's leftern hemisphere who have crowed (many are crowing still) about how W was beaten out of making his US ports deal with those rag-heads over at DPW, because...
Can anyone say "Halliburtan"? Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!
And another thing: W no longer needs another 9/11-esque attack to scare the living shit out of the [cowardly] Jane & Joe American majority of Meatheads in order to re-cement his stupid ass into his elevated throne of unchallenged Power over We the People, the Constitution and the Rule of Law, because...
Can anyone say "War with Iran"? So...
If another 9/11 doesn't hit US by this coming October, W will be "forced" to attack Iran and then, being scared shitless, Jane & Joe American Meathead will keep the GOP in Congressional power, because...
"OMG we can't change leadership in the middle of a fucking war that this fucking Republican leadership started!...scream scream scream scream scream!"
And then we can be sure that W has turned the situtation in the Mid-East into such a horribly dangerous state [by November of 2008] that He* will be "forced" to impose Martial Law on US and suspend the Constitution (and all elections) until this long (ie never-ending) war against terror is won(not) and the USA will have gone the way of the Roman Empire---which is not to compare the Roman Empire with what the USA was before W turned US into a neo-Roman Empire with himself as God's chosen Ruler over the Free World, which he means to destroy in God's name by killing everybody who ain't a Christian in His* own likeness.
*We must now always cap' "He" and "His" and "Him" whenever refering to His Royal Majesty, King George Imp, His Holy Greatness and God's Gift to the Chosen (ie GOPers only) who will inherit the World after the End Days which He is working so hard to bring down upon the planet and humanity...hopefully before his second term is up on January of 2009, so He can take credit for it and sit at the Right hand of God, where He knows he belongs and is fated to end up.
Let US brey (like the asses we've all been).
Tho' abundandly aware of the "LOL" thing, I despise it...and thus this ol' cat uses "Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha!"---which is now applied to all those in bloggoland's leftern hemisphere who have crowed (many are crowing still) about how W was beaten out of making his US ports deal with those rag-heads over at DPW, because...
Can anyone say "Halliburtan"? Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!
And another thing: W no longer needs another 9/11-esque attack to scare the living shit out of the [cowardly] Jane & Joe American majority of Meatheads in order to re-cement his stupid ass into his elevated throne of unchallenged Power over We the People, the Constitution and the Rule of Law, because...
Can anyone say "War with Iran"? So...
If another 9/11 doesn't hit US by this coming October, W will be "forced" to attack Iran and then, being scared shitless, Jane & Joe American Meathead will keep the GOP in Congressional power, because...
"OMG we can't change leadership in the middle of a fucking war that this fucking Republican leadership started!...scream scream scream scream scream!"
And then we can be sure that W has turned the situtation in the Mid-East into such a horribly dangerous state [by November of 2008] that He* will be "forced" to impose Martial Law on US and suspend the Constitution (and all elections) until this long (ie never-ending) war against terror is won(not) and the USA will have gone the way of the Roman Empire---which is not to compare the Roman Empire with what the USA was before W turned US into a neo-Roman Empire with himself as God's chosen Ruler over the Free World, which he means to destroy in God's name by killing everybody who ain't a Christian in His* own likeness.
*We must now always cap' "He" and "His" and "Him" whenever refering to His Royal Majesty, King George Imp, His Holy Greatness and God's Gift to the Chosen (ie GOPers only) who will inherit the World after the End Days which He is working so hard to bring down upon the planet and humanity...hopefully before his second term is up on January of 2009, so He can take credit for it and sit at the Right hand of God, where He knows he belongs and is fated to end up.
Let US brey (like the asses we've all been).
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Just passing through...
Even from the depths of a self-imposed news black-out, even for a one-eyed cat with only two brain-cells still functioning, it's impossible to wholly immunize one's self from all the bad that's goin on; even against predominently westerly winds & 200mph jet-streams, the stench of DC Beltway corruption finds us out west of the Mississippi and stuns our senses senseless...and yea but we still smell it, and it stinks to high Heaven.
As I write this, Bushco's GOP is maneuvering to outlaw a citizen's Constitutional right to critisize the commander in chimp; meanwhile, the GOP is likewise moving to make it a crime to expose criminals and their crimes, or to act against any on-going when the criminals are Republican and their crimes are against the Contitution, the USA, or the people of the USA.
And worst of all, Jane & Joe American Meathead have been so sheepishly brain-dead for so long that it's now too late to change course...the momentum of Republican corruption is unstoppable.
I'll be around, maybe,
Black Jack Brisco
Even from the depths of a self-imposed news black-out, even for a one-eyed cat with only two brain-cells still functioning, it's impossible to wholly immunize one's self from all the bad that's goin on; even against predominently westerly winds & 200mph jet-streams, the stench of DC Beltway corruption finds us out west of the Mississippi and stuns our senses senseless...and yea but we still smell it, and it stinks to high Heaven.
As I write this, Bushco's GOP is maneuvering to outlaw a citizen's Constitutional right to critisize the commander in chimp; meanwhile, the GOP is likewise moving to make it a crime to expose criminals and their crimes, or to act against any on-going when the criminals are Republican and their crimes are against the Contitution, the USA, or the people of the USA.
And worst of all, Jane & Joe American Meathead have been so sheepishly brain-dead for so long that it's now too late to change course...the momentum of Republican corruption is unstoppable.
I'll be around, maybe,
Black Jack Brisco