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Saturday, March 25, 2006


Sic Sic Sic...


"I'm the president, I can break any law I want to. So there."

The recent US "Patriot" Act(sic sic sic nomenclature) extention/expansion (essentially up-suspending our Constitutionally guaranteed rights, protections and freedoms) has been signed by W with this Executive addemdum: "Just so you understand, I'm the president and this is just a goddamn piece of paper I'm signin here---it doesn't mean a goddamn thing. So there."

Meanwhile, Jane & Joe American Meathead and our corrupt Congress nod approvingly with these shared thoughts:

"Goddamn He's good! W's not just signing an un-American bill redacting half the Constitution in His great war in keeping US safe from the evil demons He has created, is reproducing at exponential rates and is currently nurturing with the blood of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians; He's goin the extra mile by giving US notice that He will ignore any part of the Act that doesn't suit Him any time he feels like it. Gaddamn He's good!"

"I'm the president and this is just a goddamn piece of paper."

On another page, Uncle Walter has cast his brilliant luminance on what's obvious to everyone except Jane & Joe American Meathead: ie that Nightly Network News Networks are spending half their quarter-hour air-time (chinked between commercials) teasing the fuff instead of reporting NEWS they ought-a be covering. WC should-a added the obvious reason for this: Corporate M$M is in the business of treating Jane & Joe American Meathead like mushrooms (always keep 'em in the dark & just feed 'em Bushit) because, "Depressed consumers are not in the mood to buy the un-safe drugs, gas-guzzling SUVs & China-made junk we're trying to hawk here."

Every (potential) voter who still supports this president should lose the right to vote, for life (for being so galdarn stupid); every Congress-person (R & D alike) who still supports this president should have a Nazi swaztika branded into their forehead, be removed from office into an eight X ten cell (for life) and stripped of all benefits...for acts of sedition against the Constitution of the USA.

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