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Friday, March 10, 2006


Dumbdee dumb dumb DUMB!


Tho' abundandly aware of the "LOL" thing, I despise it...and thus this ol' cat uses "Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha!"---which is now applied to all those in bloggoland's leftern hemisphere who have crowed (many are crowing still) about how W was beaten out of making his US ports deal with those rag-heads over at DPW, because...

Can anyone say "Halliburtan"? Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

And another thing: W no longer needs another 9/11-esque attack to scare the living shit out of the [cowardly] Jane & Joe American majority of Meatheads in order to re-cement his stupid ass into his elevated throne of unchallenged Power over We the People, the Constitution and the Rule of Law, because...

Can anyone say "War with Iran"? So...

If another 9/11 doesn't hit US by this coming October, W will be "forced" to attack Iran and then, being scared shitless, Jane & Joe American Meathead will keep the GOP in Congressional power, because...

"OMG we can't change leadership in the middle of a fucking war that this fucking Republican leadership started!...scream scream scream scream scream!"

And then we can be sure that W has turned the situtation in the Mid-East into such a horribly dangerous state [by November of 2008] that He* will be "forced" to impose Martial Law on US and suspend the Constitution (and all elections) until this long (ie never-ending) war against terror is won(not) and the USA will have gone the way of the Roman Empire---which is not to compare the Roman Empire with what the USA was before W turned US into a neo-Roman Empire with himself as God's chosen Ruler over the Free World, which he means to destroy in God's name by killing everybody who ain't a Christian in His* own likeness.

*We must now always cap' "He" and "His" and "Him" whenever refering to His Royal Majesty, King George Imp, His Holy Greatness and God's Gift to the Chosen (ie GOPers only) who will inherit the World after the End Days which He is working so hard to bring down upon the planet and humanity...hopefully before his second term is up on January of 2009, so He can take credit for it and sit at the Right hand of God, where He knows he belongs and is fated to end up.


Let US brey (like the asses we've all been).

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