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Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Bush Admits he Can't Fix What he Broke!

Easier than reading between the lines...

The chimp-in-chief finally said it, he finally confessed to John Q. Public that he lacks the skills, intelligence and competence to straighten out the mess he has created in Iraq...

Q: When can the troops in Iraq come home?

W's A: "That's for future presidents to decide."

For the benefit of any meathead who might be reading this, the above means: "I can't fix it."


I had been awaiting with baited breath for the obvious follow-up question to the question previous to the above question...the previous question being: "Since all the reasons you gave for attacking Iraq have now been proven false, What was the REAL reason you started that war?"...

The OFUQ (Obvious Follow-Up Question) I was waiting for: "Since all the reasons you gave for attacking Iraq have now been proven false, Why should we believe ANY reason you are now giving US for going to war with Iran?"

Watching W's reaction to this OFUQ would've been oh-so telling, oh-so sweet. But alas, once again, human beans far smarter than this broken down old fart of a cat totally fucking missed the totally fucking obvious!

Anyhow, W's admission that HE can't fixed what he broke may be an indication that the wittow-boy's bubble has been pricked and the air's leaking out. This may be the much anticipated tipping-point that starts Bush slip-sliding toward an inevitable loss of control and continence in a public venue, wherein he'll self-expose himself for what he is: a screw-up, a lying idiot, at fault for everything, and incompetent.

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