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Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Up in the Sky! It's a bird! It's a plane!


Unless the DoD has figured out a way to make freight trains fly, they're lying to us about this upcoming 700 ton (conventional explosives) bunker-buster bomb in Nevada.

Otherwise, How do they proposed delivering a 700 ton bomb? [700 ton = 7 full railroad cards!]

We're screwed and (R) prez sez, "The Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper."

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Only One Thing Matters Now:


There should be no further discussions or voices raised on any issues that do not or can not, in some way, block W's insane march toward starting WWIII.

The prez is unhinged.

Proof: justifying the use of nukes against one country "to prevent THEM from using nukes first" is just plain stupid lunacy! Any anybody who buys into this stupid lunacy is also a supid lunatic.

Immigration, leaks, lies, Iraq, Natioal bankruptcy etc---none matters in the face of nuclear war, which W seems determined to start. I predict he will say, "I spoke to God before I pushed The Button and He told me that that's what he wanted me to do, to nuke Iran."

The president is insane and unfit for any office at any level.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Am I a person of interest yet?


How a one-eyed cat with a twice-broked tail may have screwed Bushco out of conducting an illegal nuke test in Nevada:

Last week, the military was warning US (and especially Los Vegas citizens) that they were about to set off 700 tons of high exlosives that would cause a mushroom cloud visible from LV. I pounced on that by yeowling this: "I bet they're really testing a low-yield tactical bunker-buster nuke (in defiance of all treaties) and they want to make US and the World to think they ain't by saying otherwise before the fact."

Could it be that by exposing their diabolicle plan to lie & mislead US, Bushco decided to test elsewhere, like on some island where nobody gonna see it? Or maybe they just called the whole test-thing off & decided instead to "test" these new nukes on live targets...in, say, Iran?

Saturday, April 08, 2006


It's too laaate baby...

...nowww it's too late...

It'll take the super-powers of a super-hero to restore our Constitutional Rights, Liberties and Protections, but since there ain't no such thing, we must wonder: Is it too late for US?

We fear it is.

There was a time when one could believe...when one could have faith in the wisdom of our Founding Fathers' "Checks & Balances" in the Fed for maintaining the defense and protection of the Constitution, and likewise to make it impossible for a tyrant to ascend to absolute power over US. But knowing that nothing can be made perfect, they warned US...warned US about the dangers of "one party rule" and yet here we are.

And they even gave US two safeguards against the danger: a free press coupled to the right to vote, thus giving "we the governed" the power to throw down a one party rule should it ever get going & going wrong...and it's gone wrong now.

1) "Free Press" is and always was a myth, and our Founding Fathers knew it: "A 'free press' is only free for those who own the presses." (I wish I could credit this statement to its author, but I can't recall who he was.) In their wisdom, the Founding Fathers created Constitutional protections against any One Party controlling all the presses (and now over 200 years later, radio & TV & the internet) but those protections have been redacted from the Constitution via the powers of One Party Rule.

2) The Right to Vote is meaningless when One Party controls access to the polls AND the process of counting those votes. We are there now. Beginning with the 2000 elections, the One Party has been systematically and agressively corrupting the vote by hook & by crook and by a plethorea of dirty (and oft' time illegal) tricks.

The coming results:

a) this November, most voters will go to the polls ill informed, mis-informed, and misled (by media all controlled by One Party) into a state of near-panic & fear by an "October Surprise"...which will likely come before October just to avoid the "October Surprise" label. Even so, the One Party has become such a rancid pile Bushit that there will still be enough votes cast against them to derail them...

b) sadly, the One Party has the power to mis-count those votes and thus keep for themselves the power of One Party Rule. And given another two years of One Party Rule/power, they will gain control over so much of the voting process that the 2008 elections will me a mere circus of pure, faked folly.

Conclusion: Our last-chance Constitutional Right for stopping a tyrant from taking over was wisely given US by the Founding Fathers: We the Governed have the Constitutional Right to THROW the bastards out of office!...no election required.

Let US pray it doesn't come to that (but we fear it may).

Friday, April 07, 2006


Brand'em, sez I,

For being totally fucking un-believably stupid!

After Bushco's Plamegate trigger-man (Scooter "the snitch-eroo" Libby) rolled on W and fingered Little Boss Bush for being THE Valerie P. W-House leaker, AP-Ipsos polled and the survey sez!?!: Bush's approval rating at 36%.


Something in the water? In those soft-drinks? I'd like to see the demographix on these 36%ers---I suspect:

1) They were born retarded.

2) They started eating (lead) paint chips at birth and have never kicked the habit: "Duh... How sweet these is. Duh."

3) Their eyeballs are so close together they look like one double-yoked rotten egg stuck to the forehead.

4) They have weak jaws and buck-toothed overbites so extreme you could park a Nazi U-boat underneath...length-wise.

5) They have to take their shoes off to count to three, which they never do because...

6) They haven't taken their shoes off since kindergarten 'cause they don't know how to re-tie them...nor do their degenerate parents.

Recommended remedies for these 36%ers:

a) They should be sterilized.

b) They should have their voting rights ended (for life).

c) They should be banded twice: S (for stupid) on one cheek; Nazi swastika on the other side.

d) They should be rendered to Iraq, stripped naked & dumped in the desert with Ann Coulter & Rush Limpbaugh to co-MC the event.

e) They should be suddamnized by Hussein.

Even so, they'd be getting off light for all the deaths & suffering they have caused and are allowing to continue.

Monday, April 03, 2006


Iran Attack: A Win-Win War...


By attacking Iran just before this Nov's elections, Jane & Joe American Meathead will keep the evil, greedy lying bastards (and bitchs) Republicans in power---because Jane & Joe are so gawdamn stupid: Win #1 for Bush & the GOP.

This attack will then incite GLOBAL terrorist attacks against Americans, and thus Jane & Joe American Meathead (who are, by nature, cowards) will be in an increased and persistant state of mindless terror and perfectly willing to concede all the Constitutional rights of ALL Americans. Win #2 for Bush & the GOP.

I say again: All who support the Bush and/or the GOP ought to have their foreheads branded with a Nazi swastica and ONLY THEIR Constitutional rights be suspended...for life.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


I thunk-it

I thunk-it

This just in: Condi Rice sez, "I was speaking figuratively," when she claimed to be a big Beatles fan...this after being brought up to speed on the following historic facts:

John Lennon was NOT a Russian gangsta-turned pop singer/song-writer;

there was never a Beatle named Paul McCarthy (whom Rice had said was her "favorite" beetle(sic) 'cause he had the cutest & loosest comb-over & always said the neatest things;

that Ringo Star was NOT a mythincal American cowpoke (tunefully immortalized by Lorn Greene) with a sweet (but faked) Liverpoolian accent;

and that George Harrison never stared in a Tarzan flick with a half-naked wet-T-shirted honey of a TEN (white) beauty-babe.

Figuratively speaking, we here at the (now-empty) treehouse halls of Secret Attack Squirrel think Rice is a slut, a cunt, a whore, a bitch, a witch, and a demonic & evil liar/traitor/defiler of the Constutution of the US. All of US ought to be ashamed of that hoe (methinks most of US are).


The "Great ones" fall hard.

I'm weeping here.

The burning question of where Secret Attack Squirrel and his merry crew disappeared to and what they might be doing has been answered: Western Union has apparently signed SAS and his mighty band of flying tree-jumpers for an ad' campaign, wherein SAS picks the pocket of a fool (presumably just knocked senseless by a SAS fartbomb) who didn't use Western Union for his personal back-pocket financial security. T'was a sad sighting, as it's clear that the SAS team has not been eating well, nor bathing regularly, poor fellows---our once-upon-a-time super-hero is barely recognizable, especially without his cape, and his ERT (Emergency Repsonse Team) have fared no better...we rue & morn their downfall from active altruism to irresponsible commercialism.

Otherwise, I have nothing new to comment on this morning...excpet this: on all fronts, it's business as usual in the DC Beltway---the road to Iran is being speedily paved and readied for the GOPer war-machine to be forced-marched on a mission to save themselves and their boss come November by keeping Jane & Joe American Meathead hiding under their beds and shivering with the scared-shitless fear of a regime change [in Washington] during a time of not one, but TWO illegal wars started by & for the benefit of Republicans and their American Military Industrial Complex.

We're screwed.

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