Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Two-fer Tuesday...
It's mighty rare for this old cat to have two thoughts on mind at once to ponder at once, but things are happin'in so fast lately.
1) Sit on a block of ice long enough & your butt becomes desensitized---"Hey, it don't feel cold no moe!" Now this: the (minimalist) shared National conscience has been sitting on the Downing Street Memo(Minutes) and countless other proofs that Bush lied/lies...repeatedly...for so long that now, the latest meeting-minutes/memo proof that W lied US into illegally attacking Iraq brings this nominal sentiment: "Yeh? So? What's new?" (Shrug & heavy sigh on the side.) Jane & Joe American Meathead are not surprised, not concerned, not outraged...They're used to this Bushit.
2) It's curious that the one & only 9/11 (would-be) attacker who was caught in time to stop him (Moussaoui) was the one who's mission was to fly a plane into the W-House. The W-House? Hum. That's verrrry interesting. What are the odds W's fascist police would only catch the one guy who was a threat to the smirking chimp and his Attack Iraq Cabal? One in Five, you say? How fortuitous for the cowardly little retard and his evil flying monkies. Of course, just to be safe, all the real fascist targets managed to be out of town on 9/11...just in case Moussaoui had an unidentified second-string back-up killer on the bench to complete the W-House mission.
Verrry interesting, and way over the head of Jane & Joe American Meatheads' utter stupidity.
It's mighty rare for this old cat to have two thoughts on mind at once to ponder at once, but things are happin'in so fast lately.
1) Sit on a block of ice long enough & your butt becomes desensitized---"Hey, it don't feel cold no moe!" Now this: the (minimalist) shared National conscience has been sitting on the Downing Street Memo(Minutes) and countless other proofs that Bush lied/lies...repeatedly...for so long that now, the latest meeting-minutes/memo proof that W lied US into illegally attacking Iraq brings this nominal sentiment: "Yeh? So? What's new?" (Shrug & heavy sigh on the side.) Jane & Joe American Meathead are not surprised, not concerned, not outraged...They're used to this Bushit.
2) It's curious that the one & only 9/11 (would-be) attacker who was caught in time to stop him (Moussaoui) was the one who's mission was to fly a plane into the W-House. The W-House? Hum. That's verrrry interesting. What are the odds W's fascist police would only catch the one guy who was a threat to the smirking chimp and his Attack Iraq Cabal? One in Five, you say? How fortuitous for the cowardly little retard and his evil flying monkies. Of course, just to be safe, all the real fascist targets managed to be out of town on 9/11...just in case Moussaoui had an unidentified second-string back-up killer on the bench to complete the W-House mission.
Verrry interesting, and way over the head of Jane & Joe American Meatheads' utter stupidity.