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Saturday, March 11, 2006


Waxing philositics...

Havenots need not:

Aristocrats can detect no distinction between luxury and necessity: ergo in the aristocratic mindset, giving to the needy is giving a gift of Luxury and by reverse-definition, NOT necessary. Food, clothing, shelter, medical care---all Luxuries reserved for those who are either born as deserving heirs of the Necessary Luxuries of life, or paid to those who are not too lazy to work for them; everyone else?...well that's too bad: aristocrats see no aspects to Life such as good luck/bad luck or the one-sided unfairness of greed and graft, nor the slings and arrows of outragous discrimination.

Barb Bush exposed this mindset perfectly when observing that the Havenots displaced by Katrina into Huston had never before had it so good: they had been lifted up by that hurricane and dropped into a lap of (relative) Luxury. A clear-cut case of Doublethink: in the aristicrat's mind, every Luxury they (the rich) enjoy is a Necessity; every Necessity Havenots lack is a Luxury to them. Aristrocrats may well call this "relativity" and let it go at that.

One wonders how these aristcrats will fit through the eye of a needle come Reckoning Day, or if they will even be asked to do so. We ask this question because we recognize and (begrudgingly) accept Life's Truth that Life ain't fair; we must then admit to the real possibility that maybe Death ain't fair either---which would be a bitter and poisonous icing on the cruel and inedible cake of a Havenot's life of discomforture due to neediness...and it shall come as no surprise to this old humbug, if that's how it works out.

God forgive me for hoping Death will be Fair...to aristocrats and Havenots alike.

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