Sunday, July 26, 2009
Same-o same-o,
nuttin' ever changes.
Ain't been logged in for awhile 'cause I finally caught on that while occasional and scattered tidbits of what at first looked like Reality and Truth finally rising from the muck of the right-wing's incessant right-wing spin machine and into the light of day, they were each and every one systematically, summarily and systemically squelched with a sharp stick-push back down into the muck...and silenced forever more.
Before I "caught on" I was feeling some tiny semblance of hopefulness, so I returned to the Secret Attack Squirrel Global H.Q. to add my two cents worth (for posterity's sake) but alas, 't-was a waste of time.
The Right has won: they have bankrupted the US to such a point that, "...we can no longer afford the social programs that mostly help the poor and elderly."
Some clever talking head once said: "As California goes, so goes the Country," and we're there, folks: California's attempting to balance their budge not by raising [cut] taxes to pre-cut rates, but by cutting budgets left and right---almost all of it from the left. When they find out (and they will) that this is not enough, they'll have to cut some more...then more...and more. But raise taxes? OH GOD NO, NOT THAT!!!
The rest of the nation is closing in fast & pretty soon, we won't be able to afford to pay unemployment bennies because WE CAN'T RAISE TAXES, OH GOD NO!!! Nor any other social public schools.
Why can't our state & federal gov's raise taxes? Because Jane and Joe American Meathead are so gawddamn stupid. "What's the Matter With Kansas?" was the right question, but the degree was too modest---to the tune of 1/50th of where it should've been "asked".
Meanwhile, law-enforcement dept's are becoming increasingly belligerent, aggressive and willfully acting with ever-increasing impunity...not as bad as British coppers yet, but we're getting there fast.
The DoJ is overturning "guilty" verdicts against right-wingers while utterly ignoring politikal prosecutions waged by and via blatantly corrupt officers of the courts [whenever liberals are the sacrificial goats]. No relief there.
The Executive has not only assumed the Dark Lord mantles of injustice finally finished by eight years of Bush/Cheney, but now this new one is busy adding new layers and double-stitching to make them even thicker and stronger. Obama got his fingers into the honey-pot of unConstitutional Executive Powers and decided he likes the sweet taste of it, and he wants more-more-more.
Some DINOs have learned that they can call themselves "Democrats" with a straight face simply by adding "Blue-dog" in front of it and Jane & Joe American Meathead are so gawddamn stupid that...well, they must be buying all their bottled water from Kansas. And "Blue-dogs" are not the only DINOs in DC---all most all of the so-called Democrats are DINOs, but they're already so gawddamn corrupt that lying with a straight face comes as easy for them as breathing the super-filtered & extra-conditioned air in their congressional suites...and how suite it is: I was in a congressional suite once---a close relative was on Alan Simpson(R-Wy)'s staff and he gave us a tour...damn suite! This relative left when Simpson left, now Unkle Dave is a big-shot little cog in the Military Industrial Complex (Raytheon) and making a killing...along with his father-in-law, who was an AF General before revolving straight from active service into Raytheon...Unk Dave was a one-tour Army officer: paid his (tax-paid education) dues & then bailed out to revolve straight into Simpson's suite. How suite was that?
And that's the way it is.
There won't be any health-care fix 'cause Obama's playing Jane & Joe American Meathead (just like the DINOs are) with a veiw on his second term. He'll say, "I couldn't do'er 'cause congress couldn't do their part," and the DINO's will say, "We couldn't do'er 'cause the WH was asking for too much," so Jane & Joe American Meathead will vote again for their own precious incumbents, which brings us to the bottom line:
The only way to fix this is for a majority of us to vote against every gawddamn incumbent in every gawddamn election until our rep's start representing us, We the People. But that's not gonna happen 'cause you only get to say this from on high one and the sharp sticks come out to push you down into silent obscurity, and hold you there. Jane & Joe Meathead need to be beaten over the head with this plan repeatedly, over & over again, but we can't do it from under the muck. I had my one shot via and they kicked me out, no reason given.
Black Jack Brisko, signing off.
Ain't been logged in for awhile 'cause I finally caught on that while occasional and scattered tidbits of what at first looked like Reality and Truth finally rising from the muck of the right-wing's incessant right-wing spin machine and into the light of day, they were each and every one systematically, summarily and systemically squelched with a sharp stick-push back down into the muck...and silenced forever more.
Before I "caught on" I was feeling some tiny semblance of hopefulness, so I returned to the Secret Attack Squirrel Global H.Q. to add my two cents worth (for posterity's sake) but alas, 't-was a waste of time.
The Right has won: they have bankrupted the US to such a point that, "...we can no longer afford the social programs that mostly help the poor and elderly."
Some clever talking head once said: "As California goes, so goes the Country," and we're there, folks: California's attempting to balance their budge not by raising [cut] taxes to pre-cut rates, but by cutting budgets left and right---almost all of it from the left. When they find out (and they will) that this is not enough, they'll have to cut some more...then more...and more. But raise taxes? OH GOD NO, NOT THAT!!!
The rest of the nation is closing in fast & pretty soon, we won't be able to afford to pay unemployment bennies because WE CAN'T RAISE TAXES, OH GOD NO!!! Nor any other social public schools.
Why can't our state & federal gov's raise taxes? Because Jane and Joe American Meathead are so gawddamn stupid. "What's the Matter With Kansas?" was the right question, but the degree was too modest---to the tune of 1/50th of where it should've been "asked".
Meanwhile, law-enforcement dept's are becoming increasingly belligerent, aggressive and willfully acting with ever-increasing impunity...not as bad as British coppers yet, but we're getting there fast.
The DoJ is overturning "guilty" verdicts against right-wingers while utterly ignoring politikal prosecutions waged by and via blatantly corrupt officers of the courts [whenever liberals are the sacrificial goats]. No relief there.
The Executive has not only assumed the Dark Lord mantles of injustice finally finished by eight years of Bush/Cheney, but now this new one is busy adding new layers and double-stitching to make them even thicker and stronger. Obama got his fingers into the honey-pot of unConstitutional Executive Powers and decided he likes the sweet taste of it, and he wants more-more-more.
Some DINOs have learned that they can call themselves "Democrats" with a straight face simply by adding "Blue-dog" in front of it and Jane & Joe American Meathead are so gawddamn stupid that...well, they must be buying all their bottled water from Kansas. And "Blue-dogs" are not the only DINOs in DC---all most all of the so-called Democrats are DINOs, but they're already so gawddamn corrupt that lying with a straight face comes as easy for them as breathing the super-filtered & extra-conditioned air in their congressional suites...and how suite it is: I was in a congressional suite once---a close relative was on Alan Simpson(R-Wy)'s staff and he gave us a tour...damn suite! This relative left when Simpson left, now Unkle Dave is a big-shot little cog in the Military Industrial Complex (Raytheon) and making a killing...along with his father-in-law, who was an AF General before revolving straight from active service into Raytheon...Unk Dave was a one-tour Army officer: paid his (tax-paid education) dues & then bailed out to revolve straight into Simpson's suite. How suite was that?
And that's the way it is.
There won't be any health-care fix 'cause Obama's playing Jane & Joe American Meathead (just like the DINOs are) with a veiw on his second term. He'll say, "I couldn't do'er 'cause congress couldn't do their part," and the DINO's will say, "We couldn't do'er 'cause the WH was asking for too much," so Jane & Joe American Meathead will vote again for their own precious incumbents, which brings us to the bottom line:
The only way to fix this is for a majority of us to vote against every gawddamn incumbent in every gawddamn election until our rep's start representing us, We the People. But that's not gonna happen 'cause you only get to say this from on high one and the sharp sticks come out to push you down into silent obscurity, and hold you there. Jane & Joe Meathead need to be beaten over the head with this plan repeatedly, over & over again, but we can't do it from under the muck. I had my one shot via and they kicked me out, no reason given.
Black Jack Brisko, signing off.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
In a state of unmitigated early-morning boredom, we earlier set upon a mind-numbing journey back to this blog's very beginning and reread [most of] the entries. We find that at times we were wrong about some things (2 things, actually), that our thought-processes were sometimes so convoluted that our blog-entries bordered on incomprehensible (to put it kindly) and---and this is the worst---we seem to have lost our edge somewhere that long road of convalescence following Black Jack Brisco's crushed heel.
Item 1: The 2 things we were wrong about: a) Bushco did not attack Iran as an October Surprised in '06 (we thought they would); b) the Repugs did not retain their one-party rule (we thought they would).
Item 1-a: Thank God
Item 1-b: the difference between the (R) double-majority in Congress vs the (D) double-majority is proving to be insignificant.
Item 2: Our thought-processes were (and still are) convoluted because we live in a very complex world where many, many things turn out to be not what they at first appeared to be.
Item 3: We lost our edge because we lost all hope.
Jane & Joe American Meathead are still meatheaded meatheads and no wiser now than when we first started this insane blog...they (read "you") are beyond redemption because their (i.e. your) ability to think has been amputated by our collective loss of the Fairness Doctrine and and the unConstitutional legalization(sic) of news-media monopolies...all thanks to Ronny-baby Raygun and all of you meatheads who were all stupid enough to believe that "trickle-down" bullshit and rotten enough to buy into the "Me First/Greed is Good" Reagonomics mantra. Fuck you all. And you can all fuck me too 'cause I'm already screwed---we all are.
The only peaceful way for US to get ourselves unscrewed is for a majority of us to vote against every incumbent politician untill all those who are incurragably corrupt are out of office and those pathetically few who can be salvaged get the message: Represent We the People or We will fire your ass in the next election.
Unfortunately, every time anybody raises their head above the crowd to call for this peaceful action to get us unscrewed, we get our head handed to us by the dreaded, "Your comment privileges have been revoked." Well Fuck you, DU and for those of you who don't know who DU is it's:
"Democratic" my ass. "Democratic" includes Free Speech but not at DU oh no! Not when the "Free Speech" means voicing an idea that could actually get US unscrewed if enough people heard it, heeded it and then acted peacefully by voting against every incumbent, no exceptions, until We the People get our government back.
No hope. The Silencers: They're everywhere they're everywhere!
Item 1: The 2 things we were wrong about: a) Bushco did not attack Iran as an October Surprised in '06 (we thought they would); b) the Repugs did not retain their one-party rule (we thought they would).
Item 1-a: Thank God
Item 1-b: the difference between the (R) double-majority in Congress vs the (D) double-majority is proving to be insignificant.
Item 2: Our thought-processes were (and still are) convoluted because we live in a very complex world where many, many things turn out to be not what they at first appeared to be.
Item 3: We lost our edge because we lost all hope.
Jane & Joe American Meathead are still meatheaded meatheads and no wiser now than when we first started this insane blog...they (read "you") are beyond redemption because their (i.e. your) ability to think has been amputated by our collective loss of the Fairness Doctrine and and the unConstitutional legalization(sic) of news-media monopolies...all thanks to Ronny-baby Raygun and all of you meatheads who were all stupid enough to believe that "trickle-down" bullshit and rotten enough to buy into the "Me First/Greed is Good" Reagonomics mantra. Fuck you all. And you can all fuck me too 'cause I'm already screwed---we all are.
The only peaceful way for US to get ourselves unscrewed is for a majority of us to vote against every incumbent politician untill all those who are incurragably corrupt are out of office and those pathetically few who can be salvaged get the message: Represent We the People or We will fire your ass in the next election.
Unfortunately, every time anybody raises their head above the crowd to call for this peaceful action to get us unscrewed, we get our head handed to us by the dreaded, "Your comment privileges have been revoked." Well Fuck you, DU and for those of you who don't know who DU is it's:
"Democratic" my ass. "Democratic" includes Free Speech but not at DU oh no! Not when the "Free Speech" means voicing an idea that could actually get US unscrewed if enough people heard it, heeded it and then acted peacefully by voting against every incumbent, no exceptions, until We the People get our government back.
No hope. The Silencers: They're everywhere they're everywhere!
Holy Moly and...
...jumpin' jihosiphats!
A Super Secret Secret Attack Squirrel Super Secret Operative inside the DoJ has leaked a rumor that DoJ AG E. Holder is considering appointing a special prosecutor into investigating the Bushco torture programs...How sweet it...oh, wait a minute, woops, hold the phone:
Only a few select people suspected of maybe, just maybe going beyond the pale of the Bushco torture programs illegally contrived by Bushco and then falsely defined as legal by faux gov' lawyers cherry-picked by Bushco---only those select few need lose any sleep over this. All the others need not worry because clearly, they were "acting in good faith" when they contrived, authorized, justified and committed Illegal Acts of Torture under Bushco.
Wow, there for a minute we here at Secret Attack Squirrel's Global Headquarters were dizzy with elation. But then Black Jack Brisco, upon hearing our rabid celebration and coming up the tree to investigate, poured cold water all over all of us by voicing Paragraph II (above)...Three-Toes Tony was so dismayed by this unwelcome revelation that he bit off one of his own (few remaining) toes...poor chap!
I quoteth Black Jack: "In sales, this is called 'bait & switch': 'bait' the sucker with a fine product & then 'switch' if for something far inferior in the last instant at the point of sale. It's illegal as hell, But what can-yuh do?"
A Super Secret Secret Attack Squirrel Super Secret Operative inside the DoJ has leaked a rumor that DoJ AG E. Holder is considering appointing a special prosecutor into investigating the Bushco torture programs...How sweet it...oh, wait a minute, woops, hold the phone:
Only a few select people suspected of maybe, just maybe going beyond the pale of the Bushco torture programs illegally contrived by Bushco and then falsely defined as legal by faux gov' lawyers cherry-picked by Bushco---only those select few need lose any sleep over this. All the others need not worry because clearly, they were "acting in good faith" when they contrived, authorized, justified and committed Illegal Acts of Torture under Bushco.
Wow, there for a minute we here at Secret Attack Squirrel's Global Headquarters were dizzy with elation. But then Black Jack Brisco, upon hearing our rabid celebration and coming up the tree to investigate, poured cold water all over all of us by voicing Paragraph II (above)...Three-Toes Tony was so dismayed by this unwelcome revelation that he bit off one of his own (few remaining) toes...poor chap!
I quoteth Black Jack: "In sales, this is called 'bait & switch': 'bait' the sucker with a fine product & then 'switch' if for something far inferior in the last instant at the point of sale. It's illegal as hell, But what can-yuh do?"
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Another voice silenced...
... has revoked Black Jack Brisco's comments privileges, no reason given.
Since all of our 3 or 4 comments since signing up have all been the same and limited to "vote against every incumbent" etc. etc. we must presume, assume and further infer that DU is part of TRaP's conspiracy to keep the status quo of absolute political corruption in place and that DU's seemingly progressive directionality is a mere facade, that their true manifesto is to draw out, identify and then silence any and all ideas that can actually change anything.
And we here at SAS G-HQ did not provide DU with any mention of nor a link to, ergo they can not claim that our over-the-top rantings here are the cause of DU's revocation of Freedom of Speech on their website.
One of the dark, silencing forces working against ending corruption in the Federal gov' is now exposed.
DU: Bastards and Dirty Rotten Fuckers has revoked Black Jack Brisco's comments privileges, no reason given.
Since all of our 3 or 4 comments since signing up have all been the same and limited to "vote against every incumbent" etc. etc. we must presume, assume and further infer that DU is part of TRaP's conspiracy to keep the status quo of absolute political corruption in place and that DU's seemingly progressive directionality is a mere facade, that their true manifesto is to draw out, identify and then silence any and all ideas that can actually change anything.
And we here at SAS G-HQ did not provide DU with any mention of nor a link to, ergo they can not claim that our over-the-top rantings here are the cause of DU's revocation of Freedom of Speech on their website.
One of the dark, silencing forces working against ending corruption in the Federal gov' is now exposed.
DU: Bastards and Dirty Rotten Fuckers
The Voices Have Been Silenced...
Should-a known it was too good to be true. We suspected it was, and we were right.
To wit: What voices? Well not the ones in my head to be sure; but rather those that said, "Vote all incumbents out of office."
The question begs: How were they silenced?
What dark forces were brought to bear and who deployed them? The hammer-blow was swift and terminal: each of three voices was silenced instantly and, apparently, silenced forever, at least on this fine point of flushing corruption out of the Beltway by flushing out all the politicians, no exceptions.
Unless there is a tide-flood of biblical proportions of We the People banning together and voting against every incumbent, our individual votes will not count and We can make no difference. The corruption has got to go and the only (peaceful) way is via a wholesale wipe-out of the Congress. And it is the best way: no blood will be shed, no heads will be broken, nobody will be unlawfully detained by Boo!bama's continuance of Bushco's neocon/draconian autocracy wherein he (i.e. head-spook Boo!) can (and will) "detain" anybody he chooses, forever and ever.
Bear in mind that B.O. has yet to correct the DHS mission statement that "...peaceful protests should be considered low-level terrorism," and with that in mind, anyone protesting against the status quo can, under Spook Law, be deemed a terrorist threat and thus rendered into perpetual detainment incognito.
What more can I say?
Should-a known it was too good to be true. We suspected it was, and we were right.
To wit: What voices? Well not the ones in my head to be sure; but rather those that said, "Vote all incumbents out of office."
The question begs: How were they silenced?
What dark forces were brought to bear and who deployed them? The hammer-blow was swift and terminal: each of three voices was silenced instantly and, apparently, silenced forever, at least on this fine point of flushing corruption out of the Beltway by flushing out all the politicians, no exceptions.
Unless there is a tide-flood of biblical proportions of We the People banning together and voting against every incumbent, our individual votes will not count and We can make no difference. The corruption has got to go and the only (peaceful) way is via a wholesale wipe-out of the Congress. And it is the best way: no blood will be shed, no heads will be broken, nobody will be unlawfully detained by Boo!bama's continuance of Bushco's neocon/draconian autocracy wherein he (i.e. head-spook Boo!) can (and will) "detain" anybody he chooses, forever and ever.
Bear in mind that B.O. has yet to correct the DHS mission statement that "...peaceful protests should be considered low-level terrorism," and with that in mind, anyone protesting against the status quo can, under Spook Law, be deemed a terrorist threat and thus rendered into perpetual detainment incognito.
What more can I say?
Thursday, July 09, 2009
CNN poll...
According to CNN, 17% of Democrats polled said they would be "Very-likely" or "Likely" to vote for Palin if she runs for pres' in 2012. Who are these people and where do they live? Black Jack Brisco wants to know so he can spray his territorial scent/mark on their toothbrushes ...assuming they even use'em, which is the burning question of the moment here at Secret Attack Squirrel's Global Headquarters.
Official SAS Logistics Solicitation: We need addresses of the above plus bus tickets (on any bus line that will transport a one-eyed cat with a dead and broken (in 3 places) tail) in order to move this project forward.
According to CNN, 17% of Democrats polled said they would be "Very-likely" or "Likely" to vote for Palin if she runs for pres' in 2012. Who are these people and where do they live? Black Jack Brisco wants to know so he can spray his territorial scent/mark on their toothbrushes ...assuming they even use'em, which is the burning question of the moment here at Secret Attack Squirrel's Global Headquarters.
Official SAS Logistics Solicitation: We need addresses of the above plus bus tickets (on any bus line that will transport a one-eyed cat with a dead and broken (in 3 places) tail) in order to move this project forward.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Jumping a shark while screwing the pooch.
By golly that spook Boo!bama is one really spooky piece of work. Used to be only one example each week of his rotten character leaking through his faux mantle of, "Hey, I'm a Democreep!" Then it was an example a day. Now it's 2 & 3 pus-leaks a day. VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE, NO EXCEPTIONS!
By golly that spook Boo!bama is one really spooky piece of work. Used to be only one example each week of his rotten character leaking through his faux mantle of, "Hey, I'm a Democreep!" Then it was an example a day. Now it's 2 & 3 pus-leaks a day. VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE, NO EXCEPTIONS!
Sunday, July 05, 2009
A Peep, then Silence...
Black Jack Brisco here, signing in:
About a week ago, I heard a little tremor that piqued my interest: One small voice suggesting that We the People should vote every single incumbent out of office. Was I on-board? Hell, I jumped this train 20 years ago! Then, over the first few intervening days since then, I heard other voices...hope springs eternal! but alas, these last few intervening days have been utterly mute---no more cries for voting every single incumbent out of office.
That first little vibration spoke to me: "I am your savior," it said, "I am the harbinger of Sympathetic Harmonics. Breathe on me and I will soon render asunder The Beast of TRaP's control over the US Gov. The slightest steady breeze will compound my strength to render asunder. My power will grow exponentially! I will bring down this exclusive bridge which connects TRaP directly to your (so-called) Representatives (to the Exclusion of all others)---both in Congress and the Executive. I am the Grim Reaper, and I am come for you, Oligarchy. I come upon a whisper...whisper this, Nation: 'We the People Shall Vote Every Incumbent Out of Office.'
"Nation! It is your only hope."
Thus spoke to me the harbinger of Sympathetic Harmonics, and then the vibration was suddenly silenced. Where are't thou Stewart and Colbert? Ed, K.O. and Ratch'? Has greed gotten to all of them, too? Seems so, maybe.
Black Jack Brisco here, signing in:
About a week ago, I heard a little tremor that piqued my interest: One small voice suggesting that We the People should vote every single incumbent out of office. Was I on-board? Hell, I jumped this train 20 years ago! Then, over the first few intervening days since then, I heard other voices...hope springs eternal! but alas, these last few intervening days have been utterly mute---no more cries for voting every single incumbent out of office.
That first little vibration spoke to me: "I am your savior," it said, "I am the harbinger of Sympathetic Harmonics. Breathe on me and I will soon render asunder The Beast of TRaP's control over the US Gov. The slightest steady breeze will compound my strength to render asunder. My power will grow exponentially! I will bring down this exclusive bridge which connects TRaP directly to your (so-called) Representatives (to the Exclusion of all others)---both in Congress and the Executive. I am the Grim Reaper, and I am come for you, Oligarchy. I come upon a whisper...whisper this, Nation: 'We the People Shall Vote Every Incumbent Out of Office.'
"Nation! It is your only hope."
Thus spoke to me the harbinger of Sympathetic Harmonics, and then the vibration was suddenly silenced. Where are't thou Stewart and Colbert? Ed, K.O. and Ratch'? Has greed gotten to all of them, too? Seems so, maybe.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Well, it all started when...
Yesterday a transient squirrel hailing from parts unknown upset the cool calm tranquility of our mid-morning spa and siesta time by entering the Secret Attack Squirrel Global Headquarters tree-house uninvited and asking, "Has anybody seen any Representatives wandering around here? I seem to have lost every last one of mine."
My supernaturally super-sensitive nose for news was instantly aroused: "May I quote you?" I asked, whipping out my Professional REPORTER'S Notebook and flipping it open to a fresh new page, then quickly grinding a fine point onto my TICONDEROGA #2 pencil there at the pencil sharpener mounted on the wall by the front door. He said yes and I went on, "'Representatives', Is that with a little r or a capital R?" and when he said, "Capital R," I sensed a really hot scoop coming on. "Go on," I said, "Tell us in your own words wha-hoppen to'em."
Now, in his own words, this is wha-hoppen to'em: "I dunno wha-hoppen to'em," he said, "they just vanished."
"Just vanished!" cried Reo Speedsquirrel, and Three-toes Tony nodded, opining, "There's been a lot of that going around."
"Indeed," said Secret Attack Squirrel, adding, "In fact, it's worse than that: True Representatives have been extinct for some time now. Oh yeah, there's hundreds and hundreds of critters who call themselves Representatives, but they're not of the True Stock, oh no---these modern-day critters are the result of wicked husbandry began by TRaP many years ago, and now these so-called Representatives are a mere shadow of what the True Stock used to be."
Wide-eyed, our uninvited visitor asked, "'Trap?' Who's 'Trap'?"
"Not who, what: TRaP is an acronym for 'The Rich and Powerful'. I made it up myself. Go on."
"Well truth be told," he went on, "I didn't even miss'em till getting access to the internet."
Sas sadly shook his head, saying, "Well truth be told, you're not old enough to have ever had a true Rep' of the old True Stock. You thought you did, but that's a common misconception...widly-held in fact and in fact, that's why we're all here. Our mission, as stated in our Offical Secret Attack Squirrel Mission Statement, is to tell the Average American Meathead the facts of politics by way of phalse phables and mount a ground-swell campaign for voting every incumbent office-holder out of office."
"Jeepers. Then my search is in vain?"
We all nodded and wept together until, many minutes later, the tears clearing from our once-jaded eyes, we perceived that our mysterious visitor had gone away as quietly as he had come.
Nob-head Ned wondered aloud, "I wonder if we'll ever see him again," and Sas observed, "I'm afraid he'll never be the same again after today, so I'd say 'no'. Anybody else want a fresh Manhattan Tea while I'm up?"
Every paw in the tree went up, so I followed Sas to help him mix, carry and serve the drinks.
Yesterday a transient squirrel hailing from parts unknown upset the cool calm tranquility of our mid-morning spa and siesta time by entering the Secret Attack Squirrel Global Headquarters tree-house uninvited and asking, "Has anybody seen any Representatives wandering around here? I seem to have lost every last one of mine."
My supernaturally super-sensitive nose for news was instantly aroused: "May I quote you?" I asked, whipping out my Professional REPORTER'S Notebook and flipping it open to a fresh new page, then quickly grinding a fine point onto my TICONDEROGA #2 pencil there at the pencil sharpener mounted on the wall by the front door. He said yes and I went on, "'Representatives', Is that with a little r or a capital R?" and when he said, "Capital R," I sensed a really hot scoop coming on. "Go on," I said, "Tell us in your own words wha-hoppen to'em."
Now, in his own words, this is wha-hoppen to'em: "I dunno wha-hoppen to'em," he said, "they just vanished."
"Just vanished!" cried Reo Speedsquirrel, and Three-toes Tony nodded, opining, "There's been a lot of that going around."
"Indeed," said Secret Attack Squirrel, adding, "In fact, it's worse than that: True Representatives have been extinct for some time now. Oh yeah, there's hundreds and hundreds of critters who call themselves Representatives, but they're not of the True Stock, oh no---these modern-day critters are the result of wicked husbandry began by TRaP many years ago, and now these so-called Representatives are a mere shadow of what the True Stock used to be."
Wide-eyed, our uninvited visitor asked, "'Trap?' Who's 'Trap'?"
"Not who, what: TRaP is an acronym for 'The Rich and Powerful'. I made it up myself. Go on."
"Well truth be told," he went on, "I didn't even miss'em till getting access to the internet."
Sas sadly shook his head, saying, "Well truth be told, you're not old enough to have ever had a true Rep' of the old True Stock. You thought you did, but that's a common misconception...widly-held in fact and in fact, that's why we're all here. Our mission, as stated in our Offical Secret Attack Squirrel Mission Statement, is to tell the Average American Meathead the facts of politics by way of phalse phables and mount a ground-swell campaign for voting every incumbent office-holder out of office."
"Jeepers. Then my search is in vain?"
We all nodded and wept together until, many minutes later, the tears clearing from our once-jaded eyes, we perceived that our mysterious visitor had gone away as quietly as he had come.
Nob-head Ned wondered aloud, "I wonder if we'll ever see him again," and Sas observed, "I'm afraid he'll never be the same again after today, so I'd say 'no'. Anybody else want a fresh Manhattan Tea while I'm up?"
Every paw in the tree went up, so I followed Sas to help him mix, carry and serve the drinks.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
A week wasted, all that time wasted in an (almost*) unfruitful search of good news. (*A disclaimer of fact: good news can be found, but none of it matters a whit beyond one or a few people directly connected to it.)
Our heart really was in it, really in that silly search for finding good news; but it took a conscious effort of (forcibly) blindly passing over all the bad news just to keep our spirits up, and the sap finally ran out of that pathetic little branch.
Hardly a day goes by that we do not find yet another example of this new (so-called) US president's incessant drive to continue, even increase the neoconian driving momentum that Ronny-baby Reygun started and w.Bush amplified exponentially toward making this country an absolute oligarchy. Not a tyranny, nor a dictatorship---We the People would not stand for that!---but an oligarchy.
Though the seeds were planted in the '80's (when Raygun killed the Fairness Doctrine) Oligarchy actually took power in 2000 and now it's got us by the balls and with a knife across our collective throat to boot!
The SCOTUS is solidly controlled by pro-business/anti-people neocons and this new (so-called) president is hell-bent for adding to the neocon imbalance while the corporate-controlled MSM are hell-bent for greasing the skids toward that end.
The (so-called) democrats in congress can, do and will continue to consistently vote against the best interests of We the People and in favor of the Rich and Powerful. With rare exception, virtually all congressional dem's are on board for this, but they're sneaky about it: they take turns voting against OUR best interests, just often enough to make sure that nothing in our best interests (i.e. when it bothers The Rich and Powerful...aka TRaP). This way, their treachery is spread out over all of them, ergo it's not so obvious...almost completely invisible.
The only way to fix this is to vote every incumbent out of office at every election. See it this way: Term-Limits imposed by We the People! It's the only way.
Ain't gonna happen though because the average American is a meathead.
Our heart really was in it, really in that silly search for finding good news; but it took a conscious effort of (forcibly) blindly passing over all the bad news just to keep our spirits up, and the sap finally ran out of that pathetic little branch.
Hardly a day goes by that we do not find yet another example of this new (so-called) US president's incessant drive to continue, even increase the neoconian driving momentum that Ronny-baby Reygun started and w.Bush amplified exponentially toward making this country an absolute oligarchy. Not a tyranny, nor a dictatorship---We the People would not stand for that!---but an oligarchy.
Though the seeds were planted in the '80's (when Raygun killed the Fairness Doctrine) Oligarchy actually took power in 2000 and now it's got us by the balls and with a knife across our collective throat to boot!
The SCOTUS is solidly controlled by pro-business/anti-people neocons and this new (so-called) president is hell-bent for adding to the neocon imbalance while the corporate-controlled MSM are hell-bent for greasing the skids toward that end.
The (so-called) democrats in congress can, do and will continue to consistently vote against the best interests of We the People and in favor of the Rich and Powerful. With rare exception, virtually all congressional dem's are on board for this, but they're sneaky about it: they take turns voting against OUR best interests, just often enough to make sure that nothing in our best interests (i.e. when it bothers The Rich and Powerful...aka TRaP). This way, their treachery is spread out over all of them, ergo it's not so obvious...almost completely invisible.
The only way to fix this is to vote every incumbent out of office at every election. See it this way: Term-Limits imposed by We the People! It's the only way.
Ain't gonna happen though because the average American is a meathead.