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Sunday, July 12, 2009

In a state of unmitigated early-morning boredom, we earlier set upon a mind-numbing journey back to this blog's very beginning and reread [most of] the entries. We find that at times we were wrong about some things (2 things, actually), that our thought-processes were sometimes so convoluted that our blog-entries bordered on incomprehensible (to put it kindly) and---and this is the worst---we seem to have lost our edge somewhere that long road of convalescence following Black Jack Brisco's crushed heel.

Item 1: The 2 things we were wrong about: a) Bushco did not attack Iran as an October Surprised in '06 (we thought they would); b) the Repugs did not retain their one-party rule (we thought they would).

Item 1-a: Thank God
Item 1-b: the difference between the (R) double-majority in Congress vs the (D) double-majority is proving to be insignificant.

Item 2: Our thought-processes were (and still are) convoluted because we live in a very complex world where many, many things turn out to be not what they at first appeared to be.

Item 3: We lost our edge because we lost all hope.

Jane & Joe American Meathead are still meatheaded meatheads and no wiser now than when we first started this insane blog...they (read "you") are beyond redemption because their (i.e. your) ability to think has been amputated by our collective loss of the Fairness Doctrine and and the unConstitutional legalization(sic) of news-media monopolies...all thanks to Ronny-baby Raygun and all of you meatheads who were all stupid enough to believe that "trickle-down" bullshit and rotten enough to buy into the "Me First/Greed is Good" Reagonomics mantra. Fuck you all. And you can all fuck me too 'cause I'm already screwed---we all are.

The only peaceful way for US to get ourselves unscrewed is for a majority of us to vote against every incumbent politician untill all those who are incurragably corrupt are out of office and those pathetically few who can be salvaged get the message: Represent We the People or We will fire your ass in the next election.

Unfortunately, every time anybody raises their head above the crowd to call for this peaceful action to get us unscrewed, we get our head handed to us by the dreaded, "Your comment privileges have been revoked." Well Fuck you, DU and for those of you who don't know who DU is it's:


"Democratic" my ass. "Democratic" includes Free Speech but not at DU oh no! Not when the "Free Speech" means voicing an idea that could actually get US unscrewed if enough people heard it, heeded it and then acted peacefully by voting against every incumbent, no exceptions, until We the People get our government back.

No hope. The Silencers: They're everywhere they're everywhere!

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