Friday, April 07, 2006
Brand'em, sez I,
For being totally fucking un-believably stupid!
After Bushco's Plamegate trigger-man (Scooter "the snitch-eroo" Libby) rolled on W and fingered Little Boss Bush for being THE Valerie P. W-House leaker, AP-Ipsos polled and the survey sez!?!: Bush's approval rating at 36%.
Something in the water? In those soft-drinks? I'd like to see the demographix on these 36%ers---I suspect:
1) They were born retarded.
2) They started eating (lead) paint chips at birth and have never kicked the habit: "Duh... How sweet these is. Duh."
3) Their eyeballs are so close together they look like one double-yoked rotten egg stuck to the forehead.
4) They have weak jaws and buck-toothed overbites so extreme you could park a Nazi U-boat underneath...length-wise.
5) They have to take their shoes off to count to three, which they never do because...
6) They haven't taken their shoes off since kindergarten 'cause they don't know how to re-tie them...nor do their degenerate parents.
Recommended remedies for these 36%ers:
a) They should be sterilized.
b) They should have their voting rights ended (for life).
c) They should be banded twice: S (for stupid) on one cheek; Nazi swastika on the other side.
d) They should be rendered to Iraq, stripped naked & dumped in the desert with Ann Coulter & Rush Limpbaugh to co-MC the event.
e) They should be suddamnized by Hussein.
Even so, they'd be getting off light for all the deaths & suffering they have caused and are allowing to continue.
After Bushco's Plamegate trigger-man (Scooter "the snitch-eroo" Libby) rolled on W and fingered Little Boss Bush for being THE Valerie P. W-House leaker, AP-Ipsos polled and the survey sez!?!: Bush's approval rating at 36%.
Something in the water? In those soft-drinks? I'd like to see the demographix on these 36%ers---I suspect:
1) They were born retarded.
2) They started eating (lead) paint chips at birth and have never kicked the habit: "Duh... How sweet these is. Duh."
3) Their eyeballs are so close together they look like one double-yoked rotten egg stuck to the forehead.
4) They have weak jaws and buck-toothed overbites so extreme you could park a Nazi U-boat underneath...length-wise.
5) They have to take their shoes off to count to three, which they never do because...
6) They haven't taken their shoes off since kindergarten 'cause they don't know how to re-tie them...nor do their degenerate parents.
Recommended remedies for these 36%ers:
a) They should be sterilized.
b) They should have their voting rights ended (for life).
c) They should be banded twice: S (for stupid) on one cheek; Nazi swastika on the other side.
d) They should be rendered to Iraq, stripped naked & dumped in the desert with Ann Coulter & Rush Limpbaugh to co-MC the event.
e) They should be suddamnized by Hussein.
Even so, they'd be getting off light for all the deaths & suffering they have caused and are allowing to continue.