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Monday, April 03, 2006


Iran Attack: A Win-Win War...


By attacking Iran just before this Nov's elections, Jane & Joe American Meathead will keep the evil, greedy lying bastards (and bitchs) Republicans in power---because Jane & Joe are so gawdamn stupid: Win #1 for Bush & the GOP.

This attack will then incite GLOBAL terrorist attacks against Americans, and thus Jane & Joe American Meathead (who are, by nature, cowards) will be in an increased and persistant state of mindless terror and perfectly willing to concede all the Constitutional rights of ALL Americans. Win #2 for Bush & the GOP.

I say again: All who support the Bush and/or the GOP ought to have their foreheads branded with a Nazi swastica and ONLY THEIR Constitutional rights be suspended...for life.

The guys out in the corral got a running bet on June or July at the most. They're all uneasy 'cause over the "welcome us as liberators" horseshit.(what do a bunch of horses know anyway) I saw a Tv show about the regular folks in Iran, they were into racing go-carts and had some real clean carts. I'm betting the Ayatolla will esacpe our trillion dollar satelite system on a gocart. It'll serve as a warning to all the Middleast-Don't build your houses, farms and factories on top of Halliburton's oil reserves. Happy TAXDAY.
Mike Meyer ---Voter Initiative Political Party of Wyoming(VIPP)
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