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Saturday, June 20, 2009



Secret Attack Squirrel can't seem to erase (Boo!'s) head spook at the CIA, i.e. Lyin Paeonetta, from his radar screen. Secret has tried Ajax, a Brillo pad, even White-out...all to no avail. I've suggested covering the entire screen with tin foil but that material is in short supply here, owing to the fact that all of us here at SAS G-HQ use the stuff for making our crash helmets. Admittedly, our helmets are rather small; but dumpster-diving and the Trash-can Tracking Team have yet to yield even one single full roll, thus we are reduced to resuing used tin foil from baked taters, roasts & etc. Speaking of taters:...

On the new high-tech'-front, Rocket Reo Speedsquirrel is currently developing a new Rapid Deployment Launch system for reaching flying-squirrel cruising altitudes in a matter of milli-seconds. Rocket pilfered the spec's for something called a "potato cannon" and he claims it can be easily adapted for launching flying squirrels. The first operational test is only awaiting the location and aquisition of a propane torch and a Bic lighter. Discarded Bic's are easy to find but they rarely light, so they generally must be stolen from [nearby] humans at great personal risk to our opperatives' personal safety; propane torches are problematic 'cause they're so damn hard to carry while climbing a tree. This reporter will report as soon as there are further developments on this front.

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