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Friday, June 26, 2009


Two Updates...

One: It seems there may have been one very positive upside to SAS's head-on with Mrs. White's house: the spackling we noticed surrounding his impact zone was first thought to be "gun-shot residue" but it now seems quite plausible that every one of those little black dots may actually be splattered flea-guts! SAS richocheted, they didn't! Yippee! SAS has not scratched once since the test-launch that went so wrong.

Two: It seems we are not alone in criticizing MSM for their non-stop gushing over Whacko's death when there is so much real news of real import going on in the world: media critics & pundits the world over are pounding MSM by parroting this blogger's blog-attack on MSM's...etc. etc. etc.

Two sub-1: This is a form of corporate mind-control;
Two sub-2: this is merely a distraction so corporations can screw US six new ways to Sunday but the average American meathead won't notice 'cause they're all distracted by etc. etc. etc.

THIS JUST IN: Secret Attack Squirrel is currently busy with slide-rule in paw, presently wandering around and eyeing Mrs. White's house's elevation and cooridnates with one eye while scrutinizing Rocket Reo's discarded(?) potato cannon with the other (eye). The saga of the Rapid Deployment Squirrel Launcher may be...


This may not bode well, but: Black Jack Brisco is, even as we blog this, currently burying our one & only propane gas torch. Good for him! :-]

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