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Saturday, June 13, 2009


Secret Attack Squirrel is Bact!

Where's SAS been? Ain't sayin'.
What's he been doin'? Ain't sayin'.

But we can make this intrepid (if obvious) inference: He's been paying attention.

A brief, informal and off-the-record interview:

Me: So Sas, what brings you back after all this time?

Sas: Bad news. We've elected a republican wearing thinly-applied black-face and fronting a fake (d) behind his name and, in Jimi's words, "...that ain't too cool."

Me: No Sas, I'm pretty sure Obama really is at least half-black; and a Democrat.

Sas: Color's only skin deep and actions speak louder than words. What we have here is a case of bottled Bush-Lite that's been out in the sun to long: in a word, Boo is skunk-beer. And pouring skunky Bush-Lite into Pabst Blue Ribbon bottles doesn't make it taste any better.

Me: "Boo"? You mean Barak Obama?

Sas: Yeah, Boo, as in "spook". What's that?! INTRUDER ALERT ALARM!!! Bail out...


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