Sunday, January 29, 2006
Unfathomable stupidity...
More cord, please:
Just when I thought my plumb-line had sounded the absolute bottom of American meat-headedness, we hear about a poll (or polls) finding that a "majority" (somewhere over 50%---I can't find the specifics) are in favor a preemtive military strike against Iran! Ergo I ask:
Clearly: A whole lot stupidder that I thought! Now that a majority has finally---after almost three years of feebly pondering the bold-faced facts of undeniable reality---a majority has finally found themselves stunned with the blatantly obvious facts of that reality: Bush lied US into attacking Iraq, attacking Iraq was a HUGE mistake, and in the war in Iraq, we are totally fucked...fucked by Bush and the supidity of Jane & Joe American Meathead.
Now Bushco is playing the same crooked card trick with a stacked IRAN deck, and all the meatheads of America are falling for the same stupid, crooked card trick all over again.
Stupidder still, clearly.
It took Jane & Joe American Meathead over 2 years to catch on to the fact that Bush had scammed US into attacking Iraq, so sometime before Nov of this year Bush will attack Iran...he has already started the same con-game scam again and Jane & Joe are already going, "Ooh ooh ooh," again, and, "Ooh ooh ooh, good move Mr. Pres...So duh I duh guess duh this duh means duy now I duh gotta vote straight GOP 'cause Dems are soft on war & we don't wanna change hobby-horsies in duh middle duh of duh another duh war.
The effects of this unfathomable stupidity will be horrific: above and beyond the horrors of yet another unjustified con-war, the Iranian oil output will go the way of Iraqi oil production (ie DOWN!), ergo the price of oil will skyrocket and the cost of energy will become impossible to shoulder: those of us who must commute to work will not be able to because only the rich will be able to buy gasoline; the cost of everything we buy will skyrocket because the cost of transporting said goods will instantly reach the point where only the rich can afford to buy ANYTHING; our economy will crash and with the Bushco deficit being so horribly astronomical, the USA will have a credit rating of junk-bonds minus-ten thousand points, which will make it impossibe for the fed to borrow any money to do a single goddamn thing save US.
The depression of the '30s will pale in comparison to where we'll be five years from now and then, JANE & JOE AMERICAN MEATHEAD, your unfathomable stupidity will be to blame and the worst of it is (as if things could be any worse) is that YOU WILL NOT HAVE LEARNED A GODDAMN THING!!! You'll still be even stupidder than stupid gets and sucked in yet again by the Bushit bullshit of even more "trickle-down" economics to save the day, and that will be then END of DAYS for the USA and probably much of the world.
If I had the magical power to do so, I would disallow ANYONE who supports a strike against Iraq a vote in November, or to vote EVER AGAIN for life.
Will I ever sound the absolute bottom of American stupidity? Methinks there ain't enough string in the whole world to plumb that deep.
Just when I thought my plumb-line had sounded the absolute bottom of American meat-headedness, we hear about a poll (or polls) finding that a "majority" (somewhere over 50%---I can't find the specifics) are in favor a preemtive military strike against Iran! Ergo I ask:
Clearly: A whole lot stupidder that I thought! Now that a majority has finally---after almost three years of feebly pondering the bold-faced facts of undeniable reality---a majority has finally found themselves stunned with the blatantly obvious facts of that reality: Bush lied US into attacking Iraq, attacking Iraq was a HUGE mistake, and in the war in Iraq, we are totally fucked...fucked by Bush and the supidity of Jane & Joe American Meathead.
Now Bushco is playing the same crooked card trick with a stacked IRAN deck, and all the meatheads of America are falling for the same stupid, crooked card trick all over again.
Stupidder still, clearly.
It took Jane & Joe American Meathead over 2 years to catch on to the fact that Bush had scammed US into attacking Iraq, so sometime before Nov of this year Bush will attack Iran...he has already started the same con-game scam again and Jane & Joe are already going, "Ooh ooh ooh," again, and, "Ooh ooh ooh, good move Mr. Pres...So duh I duh guess duh this duh means duy now I duh gotta vote straight GOP 'cause Dems are soft on war & we don't wanna change hobby-horsies in duh middle duh of duh another duh war.
The effects of this unfathomable stupidity will be horrific: above and beyond the horrors of yet another unjustified con-war, the Iranian oil output will go the way of Iraqi oil production (ie DOWN!), ergo the price of oil will skyrocket and the cost of energy will become impossible to shoulder: those of us who must commute to work will not be able to because only the rich will be able to buy gasoline; the cost of everything we buy will skyrocket because the cost of transporting said goods will instantly reach the point where only the rich can afford to buy ANYTHING; our economy will crash and with the Bushco deficit being so horribly astronomical, the USA will have a credit rating of junk-bonds minus-ten thousand points, which will make it impossibe for the fed to borrow any money to do a single goddamn thing save US.
The depression of the '30s will pale in comparison to where we'll be five years from now and then, JANE & JOE AMERICAN MEATHEAD, your unfathomable stupidity will be to blame and the worst of it is (as if things could be any worse) is that YOU WILL NOT HAVE LEARNED A GODDAMN THING!!! You'll still be even stupidder than stupid gets and sucked in yet again by the Bushit bullshit of even more "trickle-down" economics to save the day, and that will be then END of DAYS for the USA and probably much of the world.
If I had the magical power to do so, I would disallow ANYONE who supports a strike against Iraq a vote in November, or to vote EVER AGAIN for life.
Will I ever sound the absolute bottom of American stupidity? Methinks there ain't enough string in the whole world to plumb that deep.