Friday, January 27, 2006
Promising rumors?
...Irrational Optimism, anyone?
Rumors are flying in bloggoland's leftern hemisphere that Beltway Dems JUST might manage to oomph up the intestinal oomph to shit themselves a genuinte anti-Sammy "the machine-gun" Borkalito filibuster!
Fact: Those who fear the "nuclear option" invocation are FOOLS! FOOLS I say...either that, or they're DINO's merely decrying their fear of their fears (to justify their bed-wetting fear of losing the filibuster).
Fact: Outlawing the filibuster is a double-edged sword. If the Rupugs rip filibustering from the cold dead hands of this cold (& thus proven) dead Dem party, the filibuster will still be gone when Dems take back the majority...and they will, IF they stand up against that Repugnatious Alito bat-bastard from hell NOW.
Fact: Failure to face the threat of an anti-filibuster nuke'op will hurt Dems this Nov, while aiding and abetting Bushco's insidiously corrupt GOP! ie. Beltway Dems who run & hide from an Alito filibuster will cost the Demo Party a fair shot at retaking the majority in one house for sure, probably both.
I have a bi-dicotomous dream:
1) Dems call the Repug's bluff(?) and successfully filibuster Alito;
1a) Dems win a 2-house majority---reward for showing some spine;
2) Dems filibuster Alito, Repugs push the nuke'op button & put Alito on the SC;
2a) this is the best: Dems win a 2-house majority after Repugs have outlawed filibustering, ergo Dems can impeach Bushco unchallenged, Dems can pass huge TAKE-BACK taxes on corporations and the richest of the rich---also unchalllenged, and Dems can start rebuilding our social infrastructures...almost* totally unchallenged.
* Lest I forget: Dems would have enough majority to over-ride any & all (R) W-House vetoes, no matter who's prez (by de-fault of Chimp&Cheney&Condisucknfuck being sent home tard & feathured.
I be hopin', but not holding my breath.
Rumors are flying in bloggoland's leftern hemisphere that Beltway Dems JUST might manage to oomph up the intestinal oomph to shit themselves a genuinte anti-Sammy "the machine-gun" Borkalito filibuster!
Fact: Those who fear the "nuclear option" invocation are FOOLS! FOOLS I say...either that, or they're DINO's merely decrying their fear of their fears (to justify their bed-wetting fear of losing the filibuster).
Fact: Outlawing the filibuster is a double-edged sword. If the Rupugs rip filibustering from the cold dead hands of this cold (& thus proven) dead Dem party, the filibuster will still be gone when Dems take back the majority...and they will, IF they stand up against that Repugnatious Alito bat-bastard from hell NOW.
Fact: Failure to face the threat of an anti-filibuster nuke'op will hurt Dems this Nov, while aiding and abetting Bushco's insidiously corrupt GOP! ie. Beltway Dems who run & hide from an Alito filibuster will cost the Demo Party a fair shot at retaking the majority in one house for sure, probably both.
I have a bi-dicotomous dream:
1) Dems call the Repug's bluff(?) and successfully filibuster Alito;
1a) Dems win a 2-house majority---reward for showing some spine;
2) Dems filibuster Alito, Repugs push the nuke'op button & put Alito on the SC;
2a) this is the best: Dems win a 2-house majority after Repugs have outlawed filibustering, ergo Dems can impeach Bushco unchallenged, Dems can pass huge TAKE-BACK taxes on corporations and the richest of the rich---also unchalllenged, and Dems can start rebuilding our social infrastructures...almost* totally unchallenged.
* Lest I forget: Dems would have enough majority to over-ride any & all (R) W-House vetoes, no matter who's prez (by de-fault of Chimp&Cheney&Condisucknfuck being sent home tard & feathured.
I be hopin', but not holding my breath.