Thursday, January 26, 2006
More than just a homonym...
After a year of mental-fatiguing stuggles to finally get it straight in my mind (re. the difference between Reed & Reid and which is which) Harry Reid finally (very nearly) settled it for me with a recent speech wherein he quite lucidly ticked off Bushco's crimes against Truth, Justitic and the American way...
But alas, my mind is suddenly cornfused again: Harry Reid, who I had finally got in my head was Harry Reid with a (D) has now said there are 8 senators who don't want to filibuster Sammy "the machine-gun" Borkalito but, he (Reid) refuses to say who those 8 are, adding, "...and I will not attempt to sway their decission not to filibuster...." Oh, that's leadership for yuh.
Well sit me down, freeze my face, slap me silly & call be stoopid!
Ye but we do here confess that this profound re-cornfusion is not entirely unanticipated: in the Reid speech (towit I defere to the above) there was one glaring omission which gave me pause from instantly jumping up & down in unfettered joy & singing, "Reid's a (D), Reid's a (D): my joy was painfully fettered by Reid's ultimate failure to ever utter the "i" word relative to the smirking chimp of whom he was speaking in such illuminous terms.
"Humm," thought I at the time, "this is troubling."
Turns out I was sound in my angst to feel troubled: Reid is an (R) after all, on two counts:
1) singing one tune while dancing to another is, if nothing else, Repugnatious;
2) failure to filibuster Borkalito is, in fact, a vote for confirmation---and confirming "the machine-gun" is the very quintescence of adulterous Repugnacity.
Meanwhile, my list of five "true-blue" Dems is very near to being notched down to just four: by refusing to use the "i" word concerning Bush, and by further stating that instead of impeaching, she, "...preferes to let the electoral process take its course," Pelosi is not just flirting with my EJECT! button, she's taunting me with it!
Finally, this: the Sedate Judiciary Committee is scewing up their spin springs to maximum degree for (pretended) hearings next month into the illegallity, unConstitutionallity and impeachability of Bush's unwarranted spying on innocent American citizens who dare to disagree with the wittow boy pwezidunce's dictatorial headlong drive into tyranny...with him as the sitting/mtn-biking tyranical dictator, natch.
Thumb-screws at 9:11
After a year of mental-fatiguing stuggles to finally get it straight in my mind (re. the difference between Reed & Reid and which is which) Harry Reid finally (very nearly) settled it for me with a recent speech wherein he quite lucidly ticked off Bushco's crimes against Truth, Justitic and the American way...
But alas, my mind is suddenly cornfused again: Harry Reid, who I had finally got in my head was Harry Reid with a (D) has now said there are 8 senators who don't want to filibuster Sammy "the machine-gun" Borkalito but, he (Reid) refuses to say who those 8 are, adding, "...and I will not attempt to sway their decission not to filibuster...." Oh, that's leadership for yuh.
Well sit me down, freeze my face, slap me silly & call be stoopid!
Ye but we do here confess that this profound re-cornfusion is not entirely unanticipated: in the Reid speech (towit I defere to the above) there was one glaring omission which gave me pause from instantly jumping up & down in unfettered joy & singing, "Reid's a (D), Reid's a (D): my joy was painfully fettered by Reid's ultimate failure to ever utter the "i" word relative to the smirking chimp of whom he was speaking in such illuminous terms.
"Humm," thought I at the time, "this is troubling."
Turns out I was sound in my angst to feel troubled: Reid is an (R) after all, on two counts:
1) singing one tune while dancing to another is, if nothing else, Repugnatious;
2) failure to filibuster Borkalito is, in fact, a vote for confirmation---and confirming "the machine-gun" is the very quintescence of adulterous Repugnacity.
Meanwhile, my list of five "true-blue" Dems is very near to being notched down to just four: by refusing to use the "i" word concerning Bush, and by further stating that instead of impeaching, she, "...preferes to let the electoral process take its course," Pelosi is not just flirting with my EJECT! button, she's taunting me with it!
Finally, this: the Sedate Judiciary Committee is scewing up their spin springs to maximum degree for (pretended) hearings next month into the illegallity, unConstitutionallity and impeachability of Bush's unwarranted spying on innocent American citizens who dare to disagree with the wittow boy pwezidunce's dictatorial headlong drive into tyranny...with him as the sitting/mtn-biking tyranical dictator, natch.
Thumb-screws at 9:11