Friday, January 06, 2006
Look out!
In a radical departure from tradition, Secret Attack Squirrel has mixed a partial batch (ie left-overs)...of home-made chili con carn with a partial batch of home-made chili with beans and is squaring off to eat this conflagrational concoction for breakfast! Obviously, the ERT (Emergency Response Team) has been scrambled and are, even as this reporter reporters from the relative safely of a near-by trash-can, dawning their purple-felt-lined tin-foil fire-suits. The SAS G-HQ hanger bay has been cleared of comustibles and the tree's trunk soaked with flame-retardant hypo-alergenic antihisimenes and a bottle of flat skunk-beer left over from last night...the suggestion of (again) employing a retaining staple on Secret's tail was raised, but instantly shouted down, "Are you crazy?! You want the whole tree to burn down?! To explode?! You wanna die?!!!"
I'll get back to you as soon as I've moved this trash can a little farther down the block...
In a radical departure from tradition, Secret Attack Squirrel has mixed a partial batch (ie left-overs)...of home-made chili con carn with a partial batch of home-made chili with beans and is squaring off to eat this conflagrational concoction for breakfast! Obviously, the ERT (Emergency Response Team) has been scrambled and are, even as this reporter reporters from the relative safely of a near-by trash-can, dawning their purple-felt-lined tin-foil fire-suits. The SAS G-HQ hanger bay has been cleared of comustibles and the tree's trunk soaked with flame-retardant hypo-alergenic antihisimenes and a bottle of flat skunk-beer left over from last night...the suggestion of (again) employing a retaining staple on Secret's tail was raised, but instantly shouted down, "Are you crazy?! You want the whole tree to burn down?! To explode?! You wanna die?!!!"
I'll get back to you as soon as I've moved this trash can a little farther down the block...