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Saturday, January 14, 2006



No Beep & you're a gonner:

Secret Attack Squirrel's Commodore keyboard has really been smokin...

Unlike virtually everybody else in Bloggoland's leftern hemisphere, SAS is actually taking action: he has jumped on board this HONKATHON thing and is doing his best to pass the word & get the plan out.

There are those who are trying to shut this deal down by poo-pooing, saying, "Why bother? Ain't gonna do no good."

Clearly, non-commitants like these poo-pooer poopie-pants lack the grand vision Secret Attack Squirrel has revealed to the rest of us here at SAS Global Headquarters:

Imagine, if you will, a massive HONKATHON turn-out wherein an hour-long steady stream of IMPEACH BUSH cars cruises by all the newspaper/TV & radio stations all across this (once) great Nation of ours. Tho' the Big Dogs of Traditional Media (formerly known as M$M) will make every attempt to sweep this auto-monumental demonstration under the skirt-folds of pro-Bushco spinning & lies, the local outlets wouldn't dare---it'll be a big story & good press for them (if not the chimp)...and to ignore it would be at their peril.

Sadly, SAS has so far had little luck (no luck, really) garnering any support for this peaceful but potentially noisy demonstration against the looming threat of a smirking chimp becoming tyrant and dictator over US.

to summerize:


when: 1/21/06 noon to 1:00 your local time

where: your local newspaper/TV & radio stations

action: make car-window sign saying IMPEACH BUSH and drive by above venues honking

All you need is one sheet of paper and a crayon...everybody's got that. But two crayons would be nice and with that in mind, we suggest a Red White & Blue color scheme: Red & Blue lettering on white paper. Of course, everyone should feel free to let their own creative juices flow just this once.

Nothing could be easier: no distant travel, no endless search for a parking space, no long walk to the scene of the demonstration, no long march---and in a car, you're less likely be be culled, misused and abused by jack-booted thugs hiding behind cop badges.

Doing nothing but whine = a surrender to tyranny!

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