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Monday, January 16, 2006


Fade to blue...

So Sad...

Due to a complete lack of interest, spine, pluck & cajonas in Bloggoland's leftern hemisphere, "Let's Roll Day" has been cancelled and the Secret Attack Squirrel "Flight For Freedom" squadron has been dissolved, disbanded, and all sent on their not-so-merry & wayward seperate ways.

It has now been undeniably demonstrated that "I'm a Democrat" voters have exactly the kind of congress-people they deserve: self-interested, spineless, pluckless & de-balled cowards whos' MMO (Main Modus Operandi) is limited to merely whining from the shady shadows of their gutless terrors...just like the vast majority of those who vote for them---those content to just sneak & lurk in the "Comments" boxes of bloggoland's leftern hemisphere.

These cowardly Democrats are always thrilled to whine among themselves on the one hand while piling hoped on hopes that somebody(else) will do something before it's too late...is now too late:

While the congress has been bought & paid for by greedy & corrupt special interests only interested in enriching themsleves, a tyrannical wanna-be dictator has stolen two elections and stacked the Supreme Court with a majority of fools...fools all, because these fools (falsely) believe that the tyrant will continue to honor their blind loyalty to him once they have made him dictator (in fact, if not in print). But the other side of this fact is that a tyrannical dictator honors no one but himself and his own powers---those who have put him in power will only remain in his good grace as long as they continue to do just exactly as he dictates.

The fear of retrubution and ruination that's already and rapidly growing among those who dare criticize the dicatator will soon find themselves succoring to these same fears; where they once imagined special freedoms in their own thoughts & actions (in return for supporting the dictator's rise to tyrannical powers) they will instead find themselves just as easily dumped, dismissed, even punished, as the dictator's detractors have been.

Witness the evidence: continual and unlawful lying to congress and the American people goes unchallenged by any legal actions, ergo unstopped and by extropolation, condoned; spying on peace groups, anti-war groups, and the illegal tapping of phone/e-mail/internet traffic of ALL AMERICANS likewise goes unchalleged, and is thus unwittingly condoned by those who could stop it but refuse to do so---either from fear, or because they secretly support the notion of the USA becoming a dictatorship WITH THEMSELVES IN PERPETUAL POSITIONS OF UNMITIGATED POWER. This group includes all the fools in Traditional Media who are supporting this tyrant's rise to power by popogating his lies and deceits; further compounded by their failure to speak out against the criminal acts he commits with unchallenged impunity.

All the whining little worms in bloggoland who SAS tried so feverishly to rouse in protest/domonstration have, by their inaction, surrendered to the coming tyranny and absolutely, unchangeably relegated themselves to being the lowest craps in the lowest class/caste system that is now falling down upon us.

This is a perfect example of "Life ain't fair": while all those who are failing to take a stand against this decline into tyranny deserve no more than to be ruled by an evil dictator, those of us who are taking a stand DON'T deserve it, but we will never-the-less be forced under the grist mill right along with these spineless worms, and I hate them for it.

I'm alone in the SAS G-HQ treehouse this morning---all others have fled and I shall soon follow their well-advised but saddening example.

I'm turning out the lights now. Farewell...signing off here,
---Black Jack Brisco---

PS: Due to a (D)party-wide lack of spine, pluck & cahones, LET'S ROLL DAY, the IMPEACH BUSH DRIVE-IN and the UN-PLUG BUSHCO ROLLING BLACK-OUT have been cancelled...even the Squirrel's Pearls were bigger than those he found in bloggoland!

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