Sunday, January 01, 2006
As the world spins...
Still reeling from an unfortunate entaglement with a certain duck late last night--ie a bottle of Cold Duck--Secret Attack Squirrel is conducting operations closer to ground this morning, refering us to that sage advice for the functionally impaired: "Don't fly any higher than you're willing to fall."
But as luck would have it, there's not much goin on in the DC Beltway today anyhow: Congress is out of town and besides, it's Sunday, and New-Year's Day to boot. Also due to this auspicious occasion, duh wittow boy pwezidunce illegal/impeachable wire-tapping is currently in a cyclic sag...Secret Attack Squirrel was not the only one to suffer a run-in with the bubbly last night! And yet Secret remains on duty and perpetually vigilant, stating that, "There's nothing more dangerous than Bushco's war against drunk and/or hung-over dissenter/peace activists!" (ie. those who's Civil Liberties duh prezidunce is most interested in trampling on and silencing via unConstitutional acts against innocent US civilians.)
Additionally, owing to this once-a-year threat-to-the-Constitution slump, Secret Attack Squirrel has given the SAS Emergency Response Team (ERT) some badly-needed time off and with that in mind, is further exersizing super-heroic better judgement by not just staying closer to the ground, but in the immediate vacinity of the SAS Global Headquarter tree--the wisdom is clear: injuries suffered without the ready & most excellent aid of the ERT could prove disasterous, even fatal.
Finally, this just in from the SAS-OOS (the Secret Attack Squirrel-Oracle Observations Squad): cosmic indicators are indicative--that is highly suggestive--that Secret Attack Squirrel's guiding star is currently in nebulous decline, which can mean only one thing: DANGER! Of course, Secret already lives in a steady state of extreme danger, therefore the requisite response is merely one of a hightened awareness until this rare occulance of the Serendipity Significance Spiral reemerges at some mysteriously unpredictable time in the unknowable future.
Further developments will be reported as they arise.
Still reeling from an unfortunate entaglement with a certain duck late last night--ie a bottle of Cold Duck--Secret Attack Squirrel is conducting operations closer to ground this morning, refering us to that sage advice for the functionally impaired: "Don't fly any higher than you're willing to fall."
But as luck would have it, there's not much goin on in the DC Beltway today anyhow: Congress is out of town and besides, it's Sunday, and New-Year's Day to boot. Also due to this auspicious occasion, duh wittow boy pwezidunce illegal/impeachable wire-tapping is currently in a cyclic sag...Secret Attack Squirrel was not the only one to suffer a run-in with the bubbly last night! And yet Secret remains on duty and perpetually vigilant, stating that, "There's nothing more dangerous than Bushco's war against drunk and/or hung-over dissenter/peace activists!" (ie. those who's Civil Liberties duh prezidunce is most interested in trampling on and silencing via unConstitutional acts against innocent US civilians.)
Additionally, owing to this once-a-year threat-to-the-Constitution slump, Secret Attack Squirrel has given the SAS Emergency Response Team (ERT) some badly-needed time off and with that in mind, is further exersizing super-heroic better judgement by not just staying closer to the ground, but in the immediate vacinity of the SAS Global Headquarter tree--the wisdom is clear: injuries suffered without the ready & most excellent aid of the ERT could prove disasterous, even fatal.
Finally, this just in from the SAS-OOS (the Secret Attack Squirrel-Oracle Observations Squad): cosmic indicators are indicative--that is highly suggestive--that Secret Attack Squirrel's guiding star is currently in nebulous decline, which can mean only one thing: DANGER! Of course, Secret already lives in a steady state of extreme danger, therefore the requisite response is merely one of a hightened awareness until this rare occulance of the Serendipity Significance Spiral reemerges at some mysteriously unpredictable time in the unknowable future.
Further developments will be reported as they arise.