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Sunday, January 01, 2006


As the world spins...

Still reeling from an unfortunate entaglement with a certain duck late last night--ie a bottle of Cold Duck--Secret Attack Squirrel is conducting operations closer to ground this morning, refering us to that sage advice for the functionally impaired: "Don't fly any higher than you're willing to fall."

But as luck would have it, there's not much goin on in the DC Beltway today anyhow: Congress is out of town and besides, it's Sunday, and New-Year's Day to boot. Also due to this auspicious occasion, duh wittow boy pwezidunce illegal/impeachable wire-tapping is currently in a cyclic sag...Secret Attack Squirrel was not the only one to suffer a run-in with the bubbly last night! And yet Secret remains on duty and perpetually vigilant, stating that, "There's nothing more dangerous than Bushco's war against drunk and/or hung-over dissenter/peace activists!" (ie. those who's Civil Liberties duh prezidunce is most interested in trampling on and silencing via unConstitutional acts against innocent US civilians.)

Additionally, owing to this once-a-year threat-to-the-Constitution slump, Secret Attack Squirrel has given the SAS Emergency Response Team (ERT) some badly-needed time off and with that in mind, is further exersizing super-heroic better judgement by not just staying closer to the ground, but in the immediate vacinity of the SAS Global Headquarter tree--the wisdom is clear: injuries suffered without the ready & most excellent aid of the ERT could prove disasterous, even fatal.

Finally, this just in from the SAS-OOS (the Secret Attack Squirrel-Oracle Observations Squad): cosmic indicators are indicative--that is highly suggestive--that Secret Attack Squirrel's guiding star is currently in nebulous decline, which can mean only one thing: DANGER! Of course, Secret already lives in a steady state of extreme danger, therefore the requisite response is merely one of a hightened awareness until this rare occulance of the Serendipity Significance Spiral reemerges at some mysteriously unpredictable time in the unknowable future.

Further developments will be reported as they arise.

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