Saturday, December 24, 2005
The Great X-men screw-up:
After one whopper-pile of high-explosives disappeared a few days ago in N.Mejiko, duh Feds broke all records at tracking-down & collaring the purps with their C-4 booty and wowzers did they screw up... Turns out these all-American fellows are just soft'n'fuzzy skin-headed brown-shirts---proof positive they have no links to terrorism and they were just "foolin around" and only planning to "have some 'good-ol' boy fun" randomly blowin things up.
But this Big Bust put a huge fly in Bushco's war on terror...these neo'patriots should-a been allowed to git away & blow up a few buildings, then Bushco could declare Martial Law and take over the whole world, starting with the USA.
The X-men responsible for this foul-up are now on administrative leave for arresting non-terrorists before they could kill enough gawddamn liberals to precipitate a National Emergency wherein the witto boy pwezidwent could finally hang the Constitutions out to dry once & for all neo'cons.
After one whopper-pile of high-explosives disappeared a few days ago in N.Mejiko, duh Feds broke all records at tracking-down & collaring the purps with their C-4 booty and wowzers did they screw up... Turns out these all-American fellows are just soft'n'fuzzy skin-headed brown-shirts---proof positive they have no links to terrorism and they were just "foolin around" and only planning to "have some 'good-ol' boy fun" randomly blowin things up.
But this Big Bust put a huge fly in Bushco's war on terror...these neo'patriots should-a been allowed to git away & blow up a few buildings, then Bushco could declare Martial Law and take over the whole world, starting with the USA.
The X-men responsible for this foul-up are now on administrative leave for arresting non-terrorists before they could kill enough gawddamn liberals to precipitate a National Emergency wherein the witto boy pwezidwent could finally hang the Constitutions out to dry once & for all neo'cons.