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Thursday, December 29, 2005


Does Media Matters Matter?

Early this morning:

After racing headlong into the "Media Matters" website (wherein the multitudinal lies, false-spins, errors and omissions of the "liberal"(sic) M$M are exposed, debunked and proven to be an endless flood of utterly right-wingnut neo'con Bushit) Secret Attack Squirrel was soon overcome with that debilitating condition known as "input overload" and is now suffering from that debilitating condition known as "cerebral meltdown".

Secret's last words before sinking into that bottomless pit of alpha/beta flat-lining: "It's more than one squirrel can bear alone."

Somewhat baffled by the apparently escoteric deep-meaning of this prodigous profundity, SAS's ERT (Secret Attack Squirrel's Emergency Response Team) immediately threw themselves into a three-way deepthink committee in the hopes of plumbing to the bottom of this remarkable statement...ERT agent #2 posed the following proposed question, "What does it all mean?" and the purpose of addressing that question was roundly seconded and thirded by agents #1 & #3 and then things get a little hazy, but...

After what can only be described as a Super-extraordianry bout of nifty but nutty deliberation, the ERT has issued the following:

ERT Deepthink Committee Resolution #213: Unless those in the USA who still support Bushco on any level can be forced to imbibe, cogiatate, assimilate, grasp and generally understand the significance of every scrap of evidence in the "Media Matters" content before Nov of 2006, the USA will sink into tyranny in late Jan of 2007;

...ERT DCR #213 subparagraph a): Ain't gonna happen because even a Super-Hero like Secret Attack Squirrel is damn-near powerless when it comes to overpowering/overcoming the sheer stupidity of the Average American Meathead's sheer stupidity.


A parting comment/early obit': Owing to the fact that the right-wingnut monster-network [NBC] has now ripped into TOTAL control of MSNBC, Keith Oberman's "Countdown" is slated for burial as soon as the ink on the NBC/takeover/MS contract-shredding celebration is underway. The NBC Chopshop Headroller Dept is slated to issue this explanation: "We're sorry to be forced to force Keith out, but his absolute refusal to spin and regurgitate (R) corporate Bushit is intollerable---we MUST have a tryannical dictatorship ASAP and sadly, Mr. Oberman is a bothersome fly in (R) oinkment toward that end. John Steward: you're next...but that said, you are doing better and your soft-balling of O'Rielly 'when-in-the-flesh' on The Daily Show has not gone unnoticed---we appreciate the effort but you're gonna have to do better in the future."

The End

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